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REQu�sT FoR c�ur�c�� AcT:o� DATE: "-y'' '., <br />AGENDA SECTION: ORIGIIVATING D�P�'./DIV.: DEPT. H�AD APPROVA�•. <br />Reports � Recommendations Adm <br />t ' NO.: ITEM �ESCRIPTION: MGR. REVIEWEp/R£COMAAENDS: <br />Sale of Bonds - Date <br />� - � <br />The City's bond consultant, Mr. Popovich, has recommended that the Council establish <br />3une 23, 1975, as the date far the sale of bonds to fa.nance, in part, the new City Hall <br />and lacal improvement projects. Bids to be opened at 7:00 P.M. <br />fteco„mendatians have been deferred over the past two months because of *he up;tia.r� 'CI'�I?d <br />in the municapal bond rates. Howevex, withi.n the past week the bond buyers index has <br />been declining, and it may be indicative of at least a short term dawnward trend. 'Fhe <br />graph below illustrates the tax exempt market from July, 1974 thxu Apxil I1, 1975. Tn <br />December the maxket xeac�ed a record high o� 7.26. In February it declined �o b,27 and <br />climbed back to b.97 by Apxil 24. On May ],, the index was at 6.95 and May 8 at 6.8b. <br />Ta,�-��xsm�t �3ands I <br />The proposed offering would be �or permanent 20 year issues for both the City Hall and local <br />improvement projects. ,Mr. Popovich had consadered temporary bonds, which would be refunded <br />after 2 or 3 years by the sale af permanent bonds. �lowever, he has since xejected that <br />alternatzve and is providing for a 10 year callable feature in the permanent issues. If <br />the rates have declined after 10 years, a determination would be made at that time on <br />whether to refinance the outstanding maturities. <br />The C�ty has not sold local impxovement honds since 1972. The City has been financing <br />these projects from the construction fund. However, the City naw has 13 completed projects <br />totaling �1,130,000 which should be permanently financed. <br />As i.ndicated abave, the iast bond sale of the City was in 1972. For this xeason, the City's <br />bond rating has not been upgraded. It is expected that the rating (Moody's) could be <br />assuredly raised from its prese�t BAA-1 �o A, and hapefully to AA. Therefore; a present- <br />ation of data wi11 be made to the New York rating age�cies in an attempt to secure a more <br />favorable rating. <br />A sale date of June 23, would pexmit the City �o receive the proceeds of the sale approxi- <br />mately 30 days later. This will be timel.y as it relates tio the scliedule af estimated <br />contractor payments on the City Hail. <br />Counczl Act ion Requested: <br />1. Motion adopting a resolution for pub�ic sale <br />o£ City Hal.l general obligation bonds in the amount of <br />$850,000. <br />2. Mot�on adopting a xeso�.uti.on providing <br />of general improvement bands, 8 <br />$1,�30,Q04. <br />for publ.ic sale <br />in the amount of <br />