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..� <br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETTNG OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CT1Y OF <br />. ROSEVILLEa MINNESOTA <br />HELD: , 1975 <br />Pursuant to due ca�]. and notice thereof, a <br />zr�eeting of the Ci�y Council af the City of Rasevil3.e, Mi�nnesoia, <br />was duly he�d at the City Ha1I in said City on the day <br />of a X975,- at o'cJ.ock P.P�i., C.D.T. <br />The following members urex�e present: <br />at�d the fol.lowing were ab sen� : <br />Member introduced th� fo�J.ow- <br />3ng resalution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTXON PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE <br />OF $S50,OOp GENERAL OSLIGATION CITX HALL BOPdDS <br />' <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Gzty Council of �he Ci�y <br />of RoseviJ.le, �Iinnesoica, as follows: <br />l. It is hereby found, deteimined and declared that <br />this City should issue.$8.50,000 General Ob Iigatiion City Ha11 <br />Bands �o defray the expense of the acauisition and bettermen� <br />af a new Ci�y Ha11. <br />2. mhis CaunciT sha11 meet at the time and glace <br />spec�fa.ed in the form of no�ice hereinai�er contained for the <br />purpase of opening and considering sealed bids for, and award- <br />ing the sale of $850,OOU General Oblig2tion Czty Hal� Bonds <br />of said Citye <br />3. The City Clerk is hereby auihorized and diri- <br />ected to cause �ot�ce of �he time, place and purpose of said <br /> to be ptzbl.ished in '�he of�'icz�l net�spaper of the <br />Ci'ty and in Cor�•r1e� cial 4�Iest not less �han �en days in <br />advance af date of' sale, as provided by lati:�, vrhich not�ce <br />shall b� in substan�ially the follo•�;ir.4 form. <br />� <br />� <br />