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PAY�NG AGENT. Bidder's discr_e�ion. <br />^USTP NU�IBERS: The bonds will be pr.inted YIItY20U� <br />CUSIP numk�ers un��ss requested by th� <br />purcha4er wha must agree �.n the Of�er <br />far the Bonds to pay a11_ costs and <br />expenses thareaf prin't� <br />azzd CUSIP Service Bureau charges. <br />Any fa.ilure �o print such numb�rs or <br />errors iz� prir��ing sha17_ xzot be <br />caus� �ox� �ailure or retus�.l. ot -i-he <br />purchaser to accept delzvery o� az�d <br />pay for ihe bonds in accordance �a��h <br />the purchase contract. The pur�ha��r. <br />sha � 1 wa iv� any ex��n w�,an in de �. ive�y <br />t im� dz�e t� ►� s� �f_ th� xzu�er s�nd. <br />shal� accept all respon�a.b�.l�.ty xn <br />connect�.on with use of CUSIP numbcrs. <br />DELIVERY: 34 days af�er award subject ta <br />appr�ving lega� flpi.��.on of Messx�s. <br />Bri.ggs and Morgan, Prafessianai <br />Associa�ion, af St. Paul, Minnesota, <br />and Messrs_ Pe�erson & Popavich of <br />St_ Paul, Minneso�a, Bond <br />and lega�. opini.on wi11 be paid by <br />'' issuer and deiivery will be anywhere <br />in the continen�al Uni.ted Sta�es <br />without cas� to the purchaser. <br />Legal apinio;tx wi.I.l be pr inted on the <br />. bonds at the rsquest of the success�ul <br />' bzdder _ <br />TYPE OF�BID: Sealed bids of no� �ess '�han $1,112,aQ0 <br />and accrued interest an the pz�.ncipai <br />sum of $1,130,000 �rom da�e of bands <br />to da�e of delivery must be �iled <br /> �the unders�gned pra.or to the <br /> of sale, iogether with a <br />cert�.£i.ed or' s ch�ck in the <br />amount o� $22,b00, payab�.e t4 the <br />order o� the Treasurer of the issuer, <br />to be far�ei.�ed as li.qizida�ed dan�ages <br />if bidder faiZs to comply wi�h <br />