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accepted bzd_ Bids tor the bonds <br />should be addressed to Jaxn�s F. Andre, <br />City Maxzag�x�, C�ty Ha�7�, 27QI Nar�h <br />Lexington, Rosevil.Ze, Mznnes�ta <br />55113. <br />RATESs All raies and combzra.ation o� rates <br />must b� in �ntegral mul�xples of <br />1/20th .of .1% and inay nat exceed 7% per <br />annum: Ad,di�ionaZ intex°eUt coupans <br />rr►ay not b� us�d. IGo lzmita�iax� is <br />placed an the �.umber of za't�;s whzch <br />may be used. A7.1 boncls of a sing].e <br />maturity shall bear a uni�arm <br />b�si.c .rat� of ixa.ter.est tror� date <br />o� issu�* un�.i1 a.nd the basic <br />rat� of i.nter�st payable on eaeh <br />bond of the i.ssue must not exceed <br />th� b�sic xa�e of in�exest payabie <br />on other bo3nds of the sarrte a� <br />subsequent matura.ties. <br />AWARD: � � Award wzll be made an the basis of <br />lowest dallar interest cos�, <br />deteranined by addi�ion of any da.s-� <br />coun� to and deduction c�f any pre- <br />miurn �rora the total an��rest o�z all <br />bonds frozn �thea.r date to �heir stat�d <br />maturity. The net effective average <br />rate o� �he i,ssue may i�,ot exceed 7/ <br />per annum_ <br />D�TED : <br />The issuez xeserves thE <br />re��c� any and all bids, ta waiv� <br />informali.ties, and to adjaurn the <br />sal.e. <br />May 19, 1975. <br />BY ORDER OF THE CTTY COUNCIL <br />James F. Andre <br />City Manage�. <br />Additiona� a.nformation may be abtai.ned frrom= <br />PETERSON & POPOVICi-I <br />Ci�y Bond Consultants <br />314 M�nnesota Building <br />St_ PauZ, Minnesota 5510Z php�e- 612--222�5515 <br />