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������� �� ������. ���C�� <br />: <br />F:S�i+i,�. SEri:�!v: <br />� Public Hearings <br />:-(z4r! `�. SCR;P7; �t: <br />1 i �"ri �'+`..` <br />� - � <br />� <br />t <br />��17.3'tt�T,r�is �;.�`..i' l`.`� : <br />June 2, 1975 <br />�AT £ : -.., _.�.r- <br />... . :..._ :�r . .,, __._.�._._..� <br />E'�i�$. H� ��9 �t�c�� '.; `t. <br />��� <br />.�:..�.. �.�:__:_.��.r._._.�...:...___.�y <br />Ask'ti ��t!«�'F!?. ,.�F.3,-;�+:��,.�r-,:«. <br />Last mont�r t�e cou�c71 r�cei�ed thQ feasi.bil�t.� st�:d� for tf�e proposed <br />s 4or�n drai;tage syst�m servi r�� ��te Har�l i ne Jas�ahi �te �r�� i denti fi pd <br />as �roj: c� �i-75-6 a���� at ���ac �i�E:� es�a�lis����? ,Iu�e 2, 7a7:, as L;�e <br />date for tE;e publie fiearing �r� t�is �roj�c�. It ��ras also x��quested <br />�hat an inves�iga�ion �� nade of carryin� this area ta Little JosepF�i�e <br />as �he ini�ia� receiving body. This �as b�en don� as are other �lans <br />tF�at €�ave b�en revie���d ar�� T�clud�d far ,�our cons7��ratic�r�. <br />Plan X Pic�s up the zast�rl� 55 acres o� t�z project und�r revi��r <br />and carri�s i� via a 36" pip� to t�� �o�nt �ruhere it wouid hav� ta join <br />ti�e existing 60"equiva'ient stnrm drain that curr��ily �oes in�a La�ce <br />Jose�hine. It th�n goes from t�er� to Little JosQphine via a storm <br />tiva�er pump station ��itn foree mai�s a�d a r�tent7ort area purchased to <br />tafce vol ume s urges . Because af the fact that Li �tI e Jas��hi r�e 1F:a� t�� <br />high to carry ihe water �y gravity ti�e farce nains and receivinc� basin <br />V��ul d be necess ary. Tne esti r�atec cost af t��i s i m�rov�r�e�t i s a��rox� mately <br />�367,00�3, t}i� cr�d�ts for not goin� ta Lak� J�s�ph�ne as p�r tr�� �e�s- <br />abi 1 i ty study tvoul d be approxi mate7y �12,004, �or a n�t eost of ap�rox- <br />inat�ly �345,OOQ. <br />RZ an 2:•toul d be the sarr� as P 7�n 1, exc�pt i t a��o�l d ai so pi ck up t�e <br />7 5 acres i n the n�rthern ar�a of the �roject s i te and Vroul d carr� i t <br />tog�ther ti�ri th tne ot��er �•�ater by a s 1 i ghtl v 1 arg°r �i pe to Li t�l e <br />Jose�hine at a cons�ruction cost of �385,00�, less �14,��0, credit, for <br />a net exper�s2 of �371 ,OOQ. <br />Pt ar� 3 rJou] a ba ta carr�y �he 55 acre por�i on SQ�C'1 f7 �d i n P 1 an 1 to <br />th� poi n� ti•r�ere i t v�oul d r�zet tne ��J" pi pe but that i t woul d be outfal l ed <br />�nto a re�ceivin� s,�am�y area at tt;a� loc��ion and then exit to Lak� <br />Josep�in� via �fi� �xist�ng 6�" �-ipe. Ir� ord�r for �his to �Lrorl:,l�ow�vnr, <br />th�: �0" �voul d hav� tv bA i nterctpted u�stream a� t��e i nters�c�i on o-F <br />FBr�waad and Cour�tv Road C� and �taken duc east acro�s Lexi�gton to Litt]e <br />Josepl�ine. Tnis «ould r�suit in a cost of �13�,DJQ, lnss �12,00�, of <br />cr�di� for a net expenciiture of ��20,0�0. <br />