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Pa;e 2 <br />Cuntinu�d ST�75-o <br />J u�e 2,.��7� <br />P1 an �:�ioul d 5e tn¢ s a��� as �?1 an � excep� �flat ��hey t!oral � a� sa �i c� <br />tf�� i 5 acr�s tn �h� nort� i n tE�� s�udv �r�a. Tl37 S gl a;� .voul d t�ave a <br />constructia� cest inclu�ing easen�r;ts of �166,��Os le5s �14,�0�. crAdit <br />for a net expenditure of �752,�[?0. <br />?� ar 5':;c�l �� �e �,� a�r�f�l l E.��� s�.ud:r' ar,-�a as �ra;�a:��d a�� �;�s �eau <br />pravidn ir�provenents ta th� lake by 7n�erce�tiny the 60" at Fern��ood <br />and G2 and carrying i� t� Li��le Jvsephi�e, tf�is would have an ant3ci�a��d <br />expense of ap�roximately ���,�00. <br />From eac�� ar �n?se apnroac�Qs ��� desire taas to outfa7l t;s� stor� <br />drainaa� into � s�aa��y ar?a con�aining ca��ai7s or marsh grass whic►� <br />hav� d�i � 1 t18S to absor� the phos�hate arrd a�h2r nu �ri zn �s ��rni c� arz <br />tl�e prir�e c��trir�e�ts to l.a{c� Jos�p'r7ir��. Tr�e s�ampy ar�as t�rou��i also <br />ac� as sedi �ntati on bas i ns Lo siap �ye f��avi er s us �end�d sol i ds -Fro�� <br />entering th� Lake. 7hIIr.� are al�as� 10�0 acr�as of 7a�d whici� contrib- <br />ute to Lal<e �OS°��ine draina�� basin a�� by using av�rag�s it is es- <br />tima�ed tha� approximat�ly ��5 pounds of p�asphat� per year currantly <br />ar� err�i tted �Fron tni s i a�d. Of �hi s a►�ou�t th� Ci �v of r'�.os�vi 11 � <br />con�ri bu�es a� es�i r�a�.�d Z25 oounds of �hasp;�atQ fror� i ts approxi nate7y <br />500 acr�s. In r�viec4�i n� the an�i c� ���ied resu��s af outfal � i ng t��se <br />faci 1� ti �s i t� io �h� s:A�am�y ar��s i t i s anti ci pated �h�t -�ol l o�r�i ng ihe <br />Ri ce Strpet tda�iershed � Flandboak on cal cul ati ans th� fol To�•ri ng p«ri f- <br />3 cati a� ;,roul d res u� t i n addi t� c,� �o �`�e �xi sti r�g Li ttl e Jose��i re pond <br />that curr�nt�y serv�s 1�� acr2s and �lready ci?ans up 56 pounds oT the <br />ci ty� total i nn�t. P1 an 1 b�aui d cl ea;� up an a�di ti or�al 3?_U acres or <br />115 Qo�nds of �hos�f�ate, �1an 2 4voulc3 clea� up 342 acr.2s or-119 pounds <br />p�r year pl us t�r�a�'s hap�°ni ,hg i n the srvar�p �oday , pl an 3�4:au1 d be th� <br />san� as pl an 7, pl an 4� a<,cul d be a�aprox� o�ately tn� sar;�� as p1 an 2 and <br />plan 5 ti��ouid b� 262 acr�s rtore or 96 pounds per year. <br />On �9a�� 28, I975 this mutter �ras '�-�vie�;��d �iy tn� Street �rat�rsh�� <br />4�i th a 1 ar�� �€��ber of i ndi vi du�ls from t'�� ovzr�I 1 ar�a of 1.a�e Josepl�i ne <br />