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Page 1wo <br />Report of a Visit <br />Conunissian on Institutions of Aigher Education <br />Navember 21-22, 1974 <br />IC is the clarity of this purpose as manifested by the entire college <br />community which �s drawing financial support, attracting fa�ulty who <br />shar� such a purpose (and most certainly warning away those who would be <br />in�mical to it), and appealing to students who want to Iive and study in <br />a pe�cvcu5�.ve2y Ch�c.i�� env.vr.vrrmerr,t. <br />Ab�s e,t�s <br />Late i.n 1970 the group working toward the new Northwestern_found a.buyer <br />for the old downtown plant and, at the same time, had the oppa�tuz�ity <br />to buy the entire plant and 90 acres of wooded land formerly belonging <br />to a Roman Catholic seminary in Roseviile, just north of St. 1'aul. Part <br />of the campus borders a lake. <br />The College has space to spare. The two main huiidings px'ovide, together, <br />about 1.75,000 square feet of space. Halls are wide and ai.ry, so�e so <br />wide that they have been furnished as lounges without leading to any sense <br />of constriction. No offices are �ramped or �rowded. Classrooms.are well <br />furnished and excel].ently maintained. �'urther, �he plant was obvionsl.y <br />huilt fur very iow depreciati.on and long 1.ife, The Romanesque buildings <br />are faced with brick and roofed with solid tile. <br />The one si.gnificant addi�tion made by NorthwesLern Coll.ege, a women's <br />dormitory having 88 students, is entireiy in keeping with the spaciousness <br />and quality of the bui�dings...rhough it does not follow the Romanesque <br />style. <br />Nowhere are there the signs, which �ark so ma.ny small Christian colleges, <br />of penury and marginal operati.on. Though the campus does not seem opulent <br />or 3.uxurious, it is obviously very healthy and a very pleasant place to <br />be. �ona� who v.v.t.i� .c,t g�.ve n.o� au� o� a eaneehned ehah,i�y bu,i �a be. <br />�an,t a� a go�.ng e�,telcph,i.�se -i.ra wh, �hey be,?.i.eve. <br />�urther, the fortuito�s opportur�.ity to sell the old property downtown, <br />�he opportunity to buy the sem3.nary for a figure £ar below its real value, <br />and (rahile this team was on the campus) the oppartun.ity to take full title <br />to half the 90 acres and so to open the way to build more darmitories on <br />].ien-free land - a.� �7.P�5� beeln �U Noh�btWe�S�PhYt �eop�.�e avcd �h.e.ih �uppo�c.iv.�us <br />�o be a�ean.ey pnav.�den�.i.a.�, avcd �� a ca►v�� bu� d�e�.�y cammi��ed <br />cn►vs.t,i,tuency, �'ha� -i,d moh� campe,�P, <br />Ac,t,c:v.i.ti.e�s a��Gce Con �Y an.a.t,i.a n <br />T�ie Corporation does not just run a �oliege, though that i.s its chief <br />objective. It is also develnping a Special Events program the purpose of <br />which i.s ta attract more ihan Id0,000 people to the campus annual�y for <br />