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Case Number 9Q0 - 75 <br />June 4, 1975 <br />Page Twa <br />canstructed acrass the s�reet, thereby adversely a�fecting <br />some of the visisbility potentiai for the hotel. It.was <br />sugg�sted by the appl7cant that the p7acing of the sign <br />on the roof a� the structure wou7d solve their problem as <br />it re7ates particular7y �o the visibiiity of the hote7 and <br />its signing �or southbound traf�ic on 35��. Rt that time <br />it was suggested by the Planning Commission and Staff tha� <br />�he ra�sing of t�e existing pyion sign in its present ioca�ion <br />mig�t well improve the signing situation purposes putting. <br />the neon sign on the roaf as propos�d. 7he principal reason <br />for this is the exis�ane� af a large clump of trees contiguous <br />to High4�a.y 35W to the north of the site wh�ch adversely affects <br />the visibi�ity a� the proposed roof sign_ The City approved <br />th� roof sign propasal at that time, but the applicants d�d. <br />not move �he sign fron� the face of the bu�lding to the roof <br />having uitimate7y determined that it would not solve the <br />probl em. <br />Recently th� applicants have ca7led on a consultant from the <br />t�oliday Inn chain Urho recommended the addit�ana� �ylon sign <br />current7y in question. <br />2. The atiached sketch ir�dicates the proposed loca�ian of the sign <br />a�rhieh is to be 30 feet back f rom �he righ-of-way and placed <br />between the existing flag pol� and the existing pylon sign shown <br />on the dra,ving. At a distance 50 �eet norii� af and south of the <br />proposed pylon sign the applicant proposes to construci a series <br />ofi four floodlights on each of t►�ro poles wh-ich wi1� b� ten feet in <br />th� air. The purpose for these lights is ta e�im�nate the sign <br />to be placed an the top of t�e sing7e pylor� pole. The current <br />sign regulations a17aw a sign on 8-2 property contiguous to a <br />freet�ray to be 45 feet high and 225 square �eet in area. lJhere <br />proper�i�s are 1o�ated in adverse circumstances af caurse, it is <br />appropriate to consider a reasanable variance to these requirements. <br />The exis�ing sign is o-F coursz 45 fe�t h�gh with a 400 square feet <br />in area. It is true however that �he existing sign is nat of <br />adequa�e height to be proper��y se�n either from the south or from <br />the north for� traf�ic traveling 35!J: <br />3_ 6�Je are fearful of the implications of the gran�ing of the permit <br />far a second �,ylon sir�n at the extrer�e height requestea_ The admin- <br />istratian of zoning ordinances are requ�red by the cour-Ls io b� <br />fair and consis�er�t. The precedence of the approvai of the s�gn <br />in quest�on 5n the -Form of a second pylan ir� addition to the h°ight <br />Vaou�d abvYOUSIy have same significance in cansidering other tiropasal5 <br />uJhich may be applied for on the part of other properti�s ancl a�iners <br />in the City. T1�us we suggest great care in considering the proposal. <br />Sorr�e opti onal soi ca�ti ans mi gi�t be c�nsi dered: <br />