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4) Garbage, waste and trash dispasal must be <br />approved by the City and must con�orm to aI1 State and <br />Local health and pollution contro� regula�io�s. <br />5) The owner of a mobiZe home park shall pay aIl <br />required sewer and utility connection fees to the Czty. <br />� �7.250. Interna� Roads and St�e�ts. Al1 internal roads <br />and streets sha11 meet the following minimum requirements: <br />Z) Roads and streets shall be haxd surfaced and <br />bituminous or cancrete to accommodate five (5) ton load <br />limits as approved by the City_ <br />2} All roads shall have a hard sur�aced (mountable, <br />roll type) curb and gutter appxoved by the City_ <br />3) Al1 roads and streets shali be developed with <br />a roadbed of not less than 24 feet, Ancillary parking <br />on one side may be allowed except at parking area entrances <br />if the street width is at �east 32 feet side. <br />4) State and �ocal tra�fzc �aws shall govern �he <br />operation of motor vehicles upon a11 roads and streets <br />in a mobile home park. <br />17.260. Sidewalks. A three (3) foot, six (6) inch, <br />concrete sidEwalk sha�l b� built and main�ained by <br />the owner providzng access ta a11 mobile homes, recreat�onal <br />areas, co�on use buildings, storage areas, and ta <br />the public stre�t access. <br />17.270_ Lighting. Artificial lights shall be maintained <br />duxing a1 ours of darkness in aIl bui�dings pravided <br />�oz common facilities of occupa�t's use_ The mobi�e <br />home park groun�s, street, arid p�destr�an areas shall <br />be lighted from suns�t to sunrise in accordance with a <br />lighting plan approved by the City. <br />17.280. Recreation Areas. A11 mobile home parks shal� <br />have one or more recreat�onal areas which sha�l be easily <br />access�ble to aIl park reszdents. Recreational a�eas <br />� shall be so located so as to be free of traffic hazards <br />� and should, where th� topogra.phy permits, be centrally <br />located. The size of such recreational area sha11 be <br />a min�mum o£ 10/ of the land area of the mabile home <br />park. All equzpment installed in such area sha1� be <br />owned and maintained by the owner or operator of the <br />r mobile home park, at his expense. <br />