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17_290. Landscapznq. The fallowing minimum landscaping <br />requirements shall be maintained in ali mobiXe home parks: <br />1) Each lot sha11 be prope��y �andscaped with at <br />� least one tree and hedge. Aii yards shall be sodded or <br />planted in grass. There sha�l be a minimum of 20 trees <br />per gross acre in a11 areas of a mobile hom� park. Trees, <br />grass and landscape materials sha11 be properly maintained <br />and replaced to con�orm to the approv�d landscape plans <br />and specifications. <br />2) "A.visual scre e n,consistzng of a compact hedge, <br />redwood fence, coniferous trees, ar other approved <br />landscape materials or a scxeen fencing approved by <br />�he City shail be installed and maintained around the <br />perzphery of the mobile home park to substantially inh�b�t <br />eye level vision £rom the exterior and shall be mazntained <br />�ree o� xubb ish, debris, weeds and pape�. <br />3) Al1 areas shall be �andscaped in accordance <br />with a Xandscaping plan approved by the Citye <br />17.300. Storm Sheiter, A storm shelter struc�ure <br />capable of hous�ng a11 of the occupants o� the mobile <br />home park shall be constructed in a central locat�on. <br />Such stxuc�ure sha�l be of an a11 mason�y constructzon <br />capable of withstanding seventy-five mzle per hour winds. <br />Such structure may house other coz�unon fac�lities such as <br />vending machines, laundry equipment, and ancilZary utilities, <br />but must have sufficient flaar space avaxlabl� to house <br />�he mobile home occupants_ The design of such structure <br /> approved by the City. . <br />17.3�0. Mobile Home Stands. Each lot for a mobile home <br />shall have an area o rezn orced concrete four (4) inches <br />in depth of adequate size ta accommodate each mol�ile home <br />unit. The stand sha11 not heave, shzft, or settle unevenly <br />under the weight af a mobiZe home due to �ront action, <br />inadequate dra,inage, vil�ration or otheac forees acting <br />on the structure. Anchors ox� tie-downs shaZl be case <br />in place at a nninimum of twelve (12) feet on cente� <br />and be capable of sustai.�zing a nninimuzn pu11. a� 4, 800 <br />pounds per axzchor _ <br />