Roil call, Aye�� Curley, Dem�s, Hess, Brennan, and Linebargero
<br />Nay�: None�
<br />E Brennan moved, Hess �e��nded, that Resolution Noo 6268 approving
<br />Zimmerman Real�yos ��ques� fo� �acation �f right of�way, the
<br />eas� one�haT� of Pa�c�l A�enue, north of Cammerce St�ee�, and ZIMMERMAN
<br />south of ToHe 36, be adop�ed with the condi�ion that the City R�ALTY
<br />ret��n th� we�ter�� 10 ��et of the a�ea to be vac�ted as a
<br />storm sewer easement� Ro11 ca11, Ayes: Cu�i�y, Demos, Hess,
<br />Brennan, and Lineb��ger� Nays: None.
<br />B-S Cu�Zey maved, Brennan s�c�nde�, tha� Cu�tis Keh��s request far
<br />rezonYng tr�om R�1 t� R=2 and division of a Io� at 972 Woadhill CURTi�
<br />Dri�e be approvede kol� �aiis Ayes: Curley, D�mos, He�s, KEHR
<br />Brennan, and Line�arge�o Nayso None�
<br />E�1 Curley moved� Demos �ec�nded, that Holid�y inm�s �equest for
<br />�ariance t� s�gn heigh�, size, and number� of p�l�n signs at
<br />2540 North C1eveland A�enue be �pprovedo Rall call, Ayes: HOLIDAY
<br />Curleyy Demos, Hess, B�enn�n, and Linebargero Na�s; N�ne. TNN
<br />E�2 Hess maved, Demos seconded� that Ban Con Inc�rporatedos
<br />request fo� va�iance to density requ�rements at 2335 and 2345
<br />Woodbrxdge Street be approv�do RaZZ ca1�, Ayes: Cu�ley, BAN CON
<br />Demos, Hess, B�ennan, and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />E�3 Hess mo�ed, Brennan seconded, �h�t Ken Reinhard��s request KEN
<br />�or asvision af a lot at 9�3 Sherren 5treet be appra�edo REINHARDT
<br />RoII �a1la Aye�: Curle�a Demas, Hess, Brennan, and Linebargera
<br />N�ys: None�
<br />r-4 Demos moved, CurTey seconded, that a publzc hsa�ing be set on
<br />Ken Reinha�d�os requ�st f�r re�oning from R�1 to R-3A at 2395 KEN
<br />Nor�h Dale Str�et for J�ly 7� 197Sa Rall c�11a A�es: Curley�, REINHARDT
<br />Demo�, Hess, B�ennana and Linebargero NayS: Non�o
<br />E-S Curley moved, Hess se�onded, thai a public hea�ing be estab-
<br />lished on The Tusler Lodge r�eque�t for rezoning from R-1 to
<br />R-3A, special use permit and eonditional use permit at 1321 TUSLER
<br />County Raad B-2 for July 7, 1975� Roll call, �yes: Curley, LODG�
<br />Demos, Hess, Brennan, and Linebarger, Nay�: None.
<br />E-6 Cu�1ey moved, Hess secondeda tha� a public hearing be estab•
<br />l�sh�d on Shafer Contr����ng C�mpany's request for spec�al
<br />use permi� at b44, 646, an� 656 County Road C for July 7, SHA�ER
<br />1975a RoII call, Ayes: Curley, Demas, Hess, Brenn�n, and CONTRACTING
<br />L�nebargera Nays: Noneo
<br />E-7 Curley moved, Hess seconded, tihat Michels Canstruction Com-
<br />pany's request for preliminary plat, "Michels Roselawn Noe MTCHELS
<br />2a" be approved, and that a public hearing on the final p�at ROSELAWN
<br />be se� for July 7, 1975o Ra11 call, pyes: Curley, Demos, NOe 2
<br />Hess, B�ennan, and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />