Em8 Curley moved, Hess sec�nded, that a public hearing be estab-
<br />iished an Ray Kr�iss° request �o� rezoning from R-3A to R-1
<br />and I�1 and preliminary pla� a� 3030 North Cleveland Avenue RAY
<br />for July 7, 1975e Rall call, Ayes: Gurley, Demos, Hess, KROISS
<br />Brennan, and Linebargero Nays; Nonea
<br />E-9 Hess moved, Brennan seconde�, tha� the Revenue Sharing Plan
<br />Use Report for July 1, 1975 through 3une 30, 1976 be publish-
<br />ed in the Roseville Sun, and that ihe amount o£ $182,886000 REVENUE
<br />be designate n� mu ti-purpose and general government useo SHARTNG
<br />RoII Ca11, Ayeso Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan, and Linebarger,
<br />Nays: Noneo
<br />E-10 Cu�1ey moved, Demos seconded, that Paymen� No. 1�or ST-74-14
<br />and 74-14-B, in the amoun� o� $50,155.00 to QaR.So Construc- PROJECT
<br />tion, Inco, be app�ovede Roll call, Ayes: Curley, Demos, ST-74-14
<br />Hess, Brennan, and L�nebargero Nays: Nonee � 74-14-B
<br />Emll Demos moved, Brennan seconded, that the Mayor and Manager be
<br />authorized fio sign the contract for Easement No, 1 for Im- PRQJ�CT
<br />pr�ovement ST-74-14 in the amount af $252.00a Roll Ca11, STD74-14
<br />Ayes� Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan, and Linebarger, Nays:
<br />Nonea
<br />E-12 Brennan moved, Demos seconded, that the Maya� and Manager be
<br />authorized to sign Easement Noo 3 for Project 74��7 in the PROJECT
<br />sum o£ $427050o Roll ca11, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess, 74-17
<br />B�ennan� and Linebargere Nays: Noneo
<br />�
<br />E-�� Hess moved, Brennan seconded, that the Mayor and Manager be
<br />au�horized to s�gn a temporary easement identified �s Noo 2A
<br />of Project SS-W-P-�74-27 �n the amount of $100000. Roll ca11, PROJEGT
<br />Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan, and Linebargera Nays: 74-27
<br />Noneo
<br />E-14 Demos moved, Hess seconded, that the Mayor and Managex be
<br />auth�rized to sign a temporary easement identi�ied as Project
<br />SS�W-P-74-2i, Temporar� Easement Nao S, in the amount of PROJECT
<br />$So00 to MicheZs Construction Campanyo Ro11 call, A�es: 74-27
<br />Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan, and Lineba�gero N�ys: Nonee
<br />EwlS B�ennan moved, He�s seconded, that Resolutian Noe 6269 canro
<br />celling the assessments for utility and street imp�ovements RESOLUTION
<br />on Czty-owned property for the Fulham pond pumping sta�ion be NOe 6269
<br />app�ovedo Ro11 call, Ayes: Curley, Demas, Hess, Brennan,
<br />and Lineba�gere Nays: Noneo
<br />E-16 Demos moved, Curley �econded, that the Ash�ach Construction
<br />Company of 5te Paul be awarded the bid to su pIy the street STRE�T
<br />material blacktop for 1975 in the amount of �9o1Q per ton MATERIAL
<br />picked upe Ro11 call, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan, CONTRACT
<br />and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />