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<br />Regular Meeti�g of the City CoLmcil - June 23, 1975.
<br />The City Cozxncil met on the abave date with the following
<br />members gresent: Mayor Linebarger, Councilmen Gl�xley,
<br />Demos and Brenn�n� A�sent� C�L�ci�mar_ Hess=
<br />Demos I�ioved., Brennan 5econded, that �he minutes of the
<br />meeting of June 9, 1.975 be appraved. Roll �a11, Ayes:
<br />G�.rley, Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />� Brennan Moved, Demos 5econded, that Ordixian.ce No. 756
<br />amending the City Code af the City of Roseville by adding
<br />Chapter I7 relaiing to th� establishmen� of mobile hame
<br />zoning d�stricts (R-8) be adopted. Ro21 Call, Ayes:
<br />Curley, Detrnas, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />Demns Moved., Curley 5econdecl, that Ordinance No. 757
<br />amending Section 8.350 of the Ciiy Code of 'the City of
<br />Roseville by deleting trailer parks as a use by special
<br />permit in General Business D�.stricts be adopted. Roll CaIJ.,
<br />Ayes: Curley, Demas, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />-1 Demos Moved, C�rley Seconded, that�Resolution No. 6271
<br />accepting bid on the sa�e of $SS0,000 General Obligation
<br />City Ha11 Bonds, p�oviding for their issuance and ievying
<br />a tax for the payment-thereof be adapted. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Curley, Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. 1Vays: None.
<br />Demos Mov�ed, Gtiaxley Seconded, that Resolutian No. 6272
<br />accepting bid on the sale of $Z,I3Q,000 General Tmprovement
<br />Bonds, Series 8, providing for the�r issuance and levyin.g
<br />a tax for the payment thereof be adopted. Roil Ca11, Ayes:
<br />Gitrley, Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E--2 Brennan Moved, Curl.ey Seconded, that hir. MeI's
<br />request £or extension of minor variance �o side yard.set-
<br />back at J.885 Del�wood Avenue ta December 16, 3975, be
<br />approved. Roll Ca11, Ayes: G�.r1ey, Demos, Brennan and
<br />�.inebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E-3 Brenrkan A�oved, Demos Seconded, that Mr. Edwaxd Jarosch's
<br />request for minar variance �o side yard setback a� 1897
<br />�ellwood Avenue be approved. Ro�l Ca11, Ayes: GY,irley,
<br />Demos, Brennan and L�nebarger. Nays: Nane.
<br />7:30 P.M,
<br />MIN[I'� ES
<br />N0. 75b
<br />N0. 757
<br />N0. 5271
<br />�•
<br />N0. b272
<br />VARIANC�
<br />E-4 Brennan Moved, De�nos Seconded, that the City Manager be LEASE
<br />authorized to entex into a lease agreemen� with Mr. and Mrs..
<br />Joseph Coppersmith xegarding proper�ty located at 2477 Nor�h
<br />Victoria Avenue. Ro1I Ca11, Ayes : Gla.rley, Demos , Brennan
<br />and Lznebarger. Nays: None.
<br />