<br />E-5 Demos AZoved, Curley S�conded, that Ordinance No. 758
<br />amendang Section 7.025 of the City Code of the City o£
<br />Rosevill�e relating �o �he permitting of garage sales an.d
<br />residentia� boutiique sales in residential distrxcts be
<br />ac�opted. Ro1� Ca11, Ayes: Gizrley, Demos, Brennan and
<br />Linebarger. Nays: None. '
<br />E-6 Brennar� Moved, Demos Seconded, that all bids opened
<br />May 28, I975 for the supply o� fi.re apparaius be rejected
<br />and that the fixe apparatus be rebid with the bids to be
<br />opened on Ju�y 30, �975. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Gurley, Demas,
<br />Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: Nane.
<br />Demos Mov�d., Brennan Seconded, that the bid for 'the supply
<br />af Group I, General Firefightin.g Equiprnen� in the amoun.t of
<br />$3,931.13 and Graup II, Water App�ication applicances in the
<br />amoun� of $5,608.�$ be awarded to Minnesota Fire, Inc. and the
<br />bid for Group III iiose couplings and related equipment zn -�he
<br />amount of $11,187.7b be awarded ta Oswald Fire Hose Company.
<br />Ral.l. Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Breruian and Linebarg�r.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />E-7 Demos Moved, G�xley Seconded, that $74,883 for entitle�ent
<br />period #3 and $164,203 for entatlement period. #4 be transf�rred
<br />from the Federal Revenue Sb.aring T�st ki.�nd to the City Ha11
<br />construction Fund.fox construction of City Ha11 and Public
<br />Works Reserve Fun�l �ox construction of Fire Station #3. Ro1�
<br />Ca11, Ayes: G�xrley, Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays:
<br />Nane.
<br />E-8 Gtzr�ey Moved, Demos Seconded., that Payment No. 1£or Project
<br />75-4, Relocation o� Oil Tanks, in �he ait�otmt of $7,275.Q0 be
<br />approved. Roll Ca1T , Ay+e s: C�zrley, Demos , Br�ennan and
<br />Linebarger. Nays: Nane.
<br />N0. 75$
<br />BIDS
<br />�•
<br />PRQ7EGT 75-4
<br />E-g Demas Moved, G�rley Secon.ded., that payment No. 2 for Project PROJECT M-74-29
<br />M-74-29, Ciiy Ha11 in. the amount of $46,782.00 arid Paymen-� AND PRCI�TEGT
<br />No. 2 for Px�ojecC M-74-30,`>�ire Statzon No. 3, in the amoimt M-74-30
<br />of $1,80�.00 be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, �emos,
<br />Brennan and Linebaxger. Nays: None.
<br />E-10 Demos I��oved, G�r1ey Seconded, that the Mayor and 1�^anager be EP►SIl+'2ENI'
<br />authaxized to sign a cdntract for �asement No. b af Impmve-
<br />ment 74-17 in t;he s�nt► af �1,216.80. Roll Call, Ayes: G�.irley,
<br />Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E-11 Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that Payment No. 1 to C. W. Houle, PAYMENT
<br />Inc. ix� the amount of $24,293.47 on -�he 1975 Stxeet and Uti3zty
<br />Improvements, Projects 74-12, 74-15, 7,4-16, 74-17 and 74-27 be
<br />appxaved. Ro11. CaI1, Ayes : G�xrley, De�nos, Brennan and
<br />Li.nebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E-I2 Bxennan Moved., Curley Secondec�, �hat Change Order No. I for
<br />�he 1975 Uti�ities an.d Street Improvements for an arnoLmt of
<br />$I,bQ4.00 be approved. Ral1 Ca11, Ayes: GS.trley, DemQS,
<br />Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />(�JE1N(� QRDER
<br />