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t.[�S� I V ctiiir.ici ; uvy ., <br />M�rcn 5, 1975 +� � . <br />i <br />� � Pag� Three <br />�� <br />6. The ap,�l icant propases to rezo��° fne propzr�y to R--3A which a! I o�,��s a privafe <br />c�ub as a 5pecial us� ,����h�n Tha� a;sr�«r. Anoth�r op;ion urould have bQen i�o <br />zone the land B-] which allows a. privp;e ciuo as a permitted use. 7his zon� <br />would however,�voe�lci-allo�,vas p�rmitted uses atner Iirnited b�siness sfrucfiures <br />including off�ce buiidEnw, pro�e;sianal buildings, e�c. Uncler �ha R--3A di;�ric�, <br />of course, perrrEiFted uses inclu�'e tne develoPmenf of multi��arnily si-ructures, <br />with hospitals, sanitariums, res'r hom�s, nursing homes, and privai�e clubs and <br />ladges as s�Qcia� uses witi�in t�a, distric� ,!'r would app�ar that i�n° deYe�aprttent <br />of the club itsslf on this si+e coula bs accomrnoda�ed in a very reasona»le fashion <br />in a rrianner como��ible wi�� the Cii-y par�c to the eas� ar�d the resid�ntial area i-o <br />ths west and the nor�h. Ths ris?c iies in ihe applica�iar� af fihe zor�ing i-o the lanci <br />j� the ev�n� i-hai- th� club is no� buiit. 14� is t�erefore im�ortant an the par� of <br />the Plannirrg Cosr�mission and the Council �o a�certain fine degrez of Geri�ain�y <br />i-o which tHey feel tf�e cluE� is corr�mit�ec! i�o proceed rriii-h the construcfion as <br />proposeci . � <br />7. �xamfna;ion of the sife p�ans, grading plans, a�d landscap� p�an� wou�d indica;e <br />a very saiisfacfory and well t�ougni� ou� sotu�ion to fihe d�veioprrent program itself. <br />Access would be ofi Co�nty P.ot�d 6-2 ai' a �ommon drivev,+ay point an tn° wesF sir�e <br />of i-ne site which wou�d serv� f�� single fami{y house as ti�oell, thaf is whsre i��Z� <br />ariveavay curr�ntiy exist serving tr�e ho�rse. V�li'rh t�e develo�rrient of th� sig�ia�ized <br />in�ersec�ior� ai� Cou�fiy Road B--2 and Hamline, i� is iikely thaf i-he mir�imal amoun�- <br />of 3-rafric involved in the operaiion of a club or �nis kind �•rill be a�n� tra�,�c <br />signiricance. 7h�re do�s exis� fhe po�en�ia! for i-he use o� i-he prop�r;� �i� C{U�GSiiOT <br />ar�d its fCl�i�ifi�S Zi'i COII�UIICi{Oh VJji� i-ne P.�sevil{e Park area to th� easi�. We � <br />suggAsf the P�anning Carnrnission and Co�►ncil guesii�n ihe applicanfis regarding t}�e <br />poterifial avai{abiiity o� such a struc�u�e for use in conjunction wi,h i�n� park and <br />recreai-i�n c��pari�msnt and its ac�ivity program�. <br />8. Condi;ions reguired o� the Sharetine Zoning Qrdi�ance have �ezn accommodQi-ed <br />in tne site plans as praposed. You� Ciiy Engin°e�ing QApartrneni� will b� a�l� �o <br />commen; on �n� qu����ons co�cerning drainagz as ii' reia�es bs�wean t�e sifi� and <br />i-he panding area within tne park si{-z to the east. <br />� <br />