- 3-
<br />E--13 Gtiiriey l�7aved, Brennan Secanded, -�hat Resolution No. 6273
<br />authoxizing the city to undertake condenmatiox� proceedings
<br />on the West �0 feet of the South 79.18 £eet o£ the North
<br />158.37 feet of Lot 3.7, Auditoxs Subdi.vision No. 46 and
<br />identified as Easemen� No. Z af Improvement 74-17 be adopted.
<br />Roll Ca11, Ayes: Cizrley, Demas, Brennan an.d Linebarger.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />N0. b273
<br />�-14 Lemos ��Io�ed, Cuiley 5��onded, �: at �tz��� ��. � �� Bu11et�:� �3 �IANGE ORDE,D
<br />in �he amount flf $2,Q19.b3 �or design changes in the Gity Hall
<br />parking lot, Praject M-74-29 be approved. Ro11 Ca11, Ayes:
<br />G4a.xley, Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E-15 (�.irley Movec2, Demos Seconded, that Resolution No. 6274 RES�I.U'I'I{iN
<br />pledging the intent o� the City to paxticipate in the flood N0. b27�
<br />insurance program including the en£orcement of its regulations
<br />as covered in the National. F�ood Insurance Act of 1968, as
<br />amended, be adopted.. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Demos,
<br />Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />G�rley Nloved, Demos Secon�ed, thai Resolution No. 6275 RESOLUTION
<br />pled.ging the en£orcement of regulatzons through a building N0. 6275
<br />code-zoning ordinance and permii system be adopted. Roll Ca1I,
<br />Ayes : LY�.x�ley, Demos , Bre�xa.an. and Linebarger . Nays : None.
<br />Cur�ey Move�d, Demos Seconded, that Resolution No. 6276 RESOLUTION
<br />requestin.g £wMthe� review of the areas identified as special N0. 627b �-
<br />f3ood hazard areas�, both for the inclusa.an af additzonal sites
<br />and the removal of some no�ed. si`�es be adop�ed. Roll Ca11,
<br />Ayes: Gtiixl.ey, Deinos, Brenrx.an and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />E-lb Demos A'Eoved., G�zrZey Seconded, tha� Resolution Na. 6277
<br />xegarding reapportionment af assessments be adopted. Roil
<br />Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Brennan an.d Linebarger. Nays:
<br />Nane.
<br />E-17 Brennan Moved, Demos Secanded, that the City Manager be
<br />authorizecl.. to app�y to fhe Minnesota Palice Officers Trainin.g
<br />BQard fox reimburs�ment o� £unds. Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: G�zxley,
<br />Demos, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: None.
<br />N0, b277
<br />FUNDS
<br />E-I8 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that the Iicenses be approved. LICEN5E5
<br />Rol.l CaJ.�, Ayes :(�.iriey, Demos, Bxennan and. Linebarger. Nays :
<br />Nane.
<br />E-].9 Brennan Maved, Demos Second.ed, that the bil�s be paid. RolZ BILI,S
<br />CaJ.l, Ayes: Curley, Dei►�os, Brennan and. Linebarger. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />