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� � <br />June 4, 1975 <br />PLAi���I:dG R�POR7 <br />CAS� P�t!!�BER: <br />APP�ICANi: <br />LOCA7I OPd : <br />ACTIO�`� REQUE5TED: <br />PLa�IidIPiG CONS�DE�tATIO�l: <br />892 - 75 <br />Kenneth Reinhardt <br />2364 P! . Ui ctor� a Stre�� <br />Rosevi 11 e, ��iN <br />So�th�,rest Corner of Gounty Road B-2 <br />and Dale Street <br />Rezoning firrom R-1 to R-3A <br />1. 7he property in question is shawn on the slcetch at the left as zt <br />relates ta the �wo previously eons�ruc�ed apartmen� buildings done <br />by h1r. Reinharcit in 1963 and 1908. T�e existir�g structures are <br />one and one-hal f s�ory bui 1 di ngs ti�ri th el even �ni ts per bui 7 di ng . <br />These apar�ments have �onsisten�7y beert fully re�ted and are notable <br />�For the h�g� 7 evel of mai ntai nance and ��rei 1-fcep� graunds on the <br />property_ �he appiicant proposes to buil� a similar unit (though "� <br />slightly larger} cansisting of eleven one b�droom un�ts in a ane <br />and one-half story structure. The praposed des�gn of the un�t �s <br />similar to the existing units, repea�ing t�e exterior� materia7 and <br />decor. <br />2. ihis proposa7 tivas previously hQard by the Planning Comm�ssion six <br />montf�s ago at whi ch ti me i t ���as -reco���nd�d for approval by tne <br />plannin� Cvr�miss3an and denied by the Cauncil or� a sp�it vate. <br />3_ 7he prooerty measure Z36.5 feet of frontage on �3ale Stre�t an�! i�0.7 <br />feet of fronta�� on Co�n�y Road 6-2 (after tak�ng off ten fez� of <br />addi ti onal dedi cati on of ri gh �-af-tiday fo� Dal e Szree.t) and i ncl udes <br />24,638 square feet or .56 acres. The land is currently zoned R-7, and <br />the app�lcant seeks to have tne land rezon2d to R-3A. 7he 1°09 Lan� <br />lJse Pi an, reaffi rmed by -�he 1972 - 73 restudy o�r the mul ti pl e <br />resi den �i al ar�as of the Ci ty reco�.-rmend the property far "r�i xed <br />densi �.y deveZopmznt" nor�rrally consid�red to represent approximate�y <br />ten units per acre as de�ined in th° Roseville Comprehensive Plan. <br />4. The el even one bedroam uni ts ur�der t�►e R-3� di stri ct a�ou� d requi re <br />2,Q00 square feet oT land per unit ar 22,000 sq.Uare.fent. Ti�e pro�erty <br />tn2r�fore contains 2,538 sqaure fee� �n exc�ss a� that required -�o <br />fu�ifii� the d°nsity s�andards of the R-3A zone. The app�icant's. <br />developmen� plar� proposes e�even gara�e units and eleven par�`�ng <br />spaces as required by ihe ordinance. All o�her elements o�F.the <br />sighi pl an cor�form to the requi reme�ts of �he R-3A zone. <br />