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� <br />� <br />June �, 1975 <br />PLAidCdIPdG ftEPORT <br />CASE �JllyiB�E2: <br />F1€'��ICA1�T: <br />L.0 CA7I ON : <br />AC7X0�1 REQUEST�D: <br />PLa�lNI"i& CONSIDERATIONS: <br />� <br />899� - 75 <br />Shafer Contracting Co�npany <br />East of Dale Street, South af <br />Coun�y Road C (see sketch) <br />Speciai Use Permit to Excavate �ravel <br />7. The appZicant initially requested�approval from th� Plann7ng Commis-- <br />sion and Co�incil ta excavaie the pro�erty in qu�s�ior� in Mareh of <br />1974. A copy of the P i anni ng Report prepared for ti�e �9arch 6th <br />mee�ing o�F the Planninc� Com�ission is attac�ed (Case No. 815-74} fror <br />your consideration. <br />2. At that meeting, iche Planning Commission recornmended deferral to the <br />Apri1 meeting pending advice from the Par�CS and Recr�ation Comm�ss�orr <br />regarding the d1SpOSZ�70t1 of �he land as re7ated ta the patential "� <br />expansi or� of Central Park. The i ni ti al concept of Cen �ra�[ Paric as <br />recommended by your cansul�an� in 1950 includ2d this area o� land as <br />a part of the ultimat� park developr�ent. This ti�ras rea�firr�ed ir� tne <br />development of the ��aster Plan Concept for the Centra1 �ark d�velo�ed <br />later by the Parks and Recreation Com�iss�on an� Central Par�: <br />FoUndation. The Parfc Baard recommer�ded acquis�tion of the land at <br />i ts P.iarch 25th meeting. 7�e P1 anr�i ng Commi ssian at i�s Apri 1 5, 1974 <br />meeting reco�r�manded �o the Gounc-il -cyat the land be purchased for <br />add�t�o� to Central �ark. 7he City Councii at its Fflay 1, 1974 <br />meeting•voted to deny the spec�a7 use permit and aut�orize the 7-- <br />manager to �obtai n apprai sa] s. of tk�e property for acqui si ti on purposes . <br />3. 7he C� ty has subseqi�entiy made a��1 i ca�i an for a LA,lCO�J Funds fro� <br />the �tate of E��innesota �o the ex�ent of �50,000. These funds <br />match�d v�i t� an eq�a1 anount -From ti�e Ci'ty an�ti ci �ated tv be �sed <br />-For f�he acqu i s i ti on of the pro��rt� i n ques ti on , addi t� onal proozrti es <br />around l.ake 6pnnei, taro houses in Centra� Park fron�ing on Vic�oria <br />Avenue, and severai lots on Broaics .4venue contig.�ous to Cen�ral <br />Park_ �lii of these propertins Urere parts of tne or�ginal Central <br />park acquisition and deve�opment program. The City is an��cipating <br />a final dee�sion and �pprova1 o-f these fur�ds on approximately <br />J�une 75th o� this year. Assum�ng agreemen� an the price ei�her <br />by negotia�io� or condemnatiori, it rrou1d aopear tnat the ac��isition <br />of ti�ese properties for �he orig�nal in�er.d��E park purposes �s <br />irrmi nent: <br />