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� <br />� <br />Case Number: 9Q5 - 75 <br />�u1y 2, 1975 <br />Pa ge 7wo <br />4. The variance sought then to the building set--back requirements are <br />-for a 69 foot distance from the east property line and 50 foot <br />distance from ihe north line ot Caunty Road B-2. <br />�. The propased site p7an has been carefully reviewed by your consultants <br />ar�d engineering staff. You will r�ote that the division for a io�al <br />af 41 parking spaces, which exceeds the City's req�iremen� of one <br />space far every 150 square toat net. We suggest this amount of <br />parking wili b� adequate for the Savings and Loan function. In <br />addi��on to the parking spaces of course, the site plan prQVides <br />far a drive-up banking facility of two windows expandab7e to five <br />in the future_ The access to the parking areas and the drive-up <br />facility wi71 be off the private road system to the east and in <br />-�ne future north of the subject property. It �s important to <br />nate that no drive-up or parking lot access is directiy off af <br />County Road B-2. <br />6. You will note an egress driveway fram the drive-up banking faciiity <br />with a right turn access to County Road 8-2 on1y. Your Director <br />of Public Works has reviewed this propasal and suggests it is <br />appropriate for ihis location. We would suggest however, that the <br />curb line noted to the west af this access point on ta County <br />Road B-2 be moved further north so as to provide•an acceleration <br />lane -From the access point for west--bound iraffic. <br />7. The second variance sought i5 that of a reduct3on in the 40 faot of <br />space required between parking areas or driveways when contiguos <br />to a residential property. ihe property as. you know, is zoned <br />resident�a� immed�ately to the west of the proper-�y in question, <br />The applicant prapos�s �o develop a future driyeway at this lacation, <br />the west-line of which wou7d be 15 feet from the property line <br />rather than the 40 foat noted in the ordinance. This dri�eway is <br />not propos�d -�o be built at this tir�e, but will be on a 60 fooi <br />easemerrt to be established at t�is time �or future access to ��e <br />Dayton - Hudson property �o the north of �he �roperty in q�estion. <br />8. The i5 foot set-back is proposed {rather than the 4Q foot) in <br />recognition of the l�lceiihood that the �roperty immediately to the <br />west will ult�mately be developed far business purposes. Yau <br />wiil recall at previous public hearings reiated to the expansion <br />of the bank at the corner of County Road B--F and Fairview Avenue, <br />that this potential was discussed a� length with residents and <br />property owners in the area_ Ail af the vacant lots in this <br />res�derttial subdivision area wiih th� exception of one, as we <br />understan� it, are owned by George Reiling_ Mr. Reil#ng has <br />indicated t�is ultimate desire to utilize t�e properties �'or busi- <br />ness purposes. This of course, could only be dvne on an overall <br />basis involving the consent and cooperation of a71 ihe property <br />owners in the area. We suggest that at an appropriate point in <br />time, the 7and values wili be s�ch that conversion of these prop- <br />erties to highly desirable husiness 7acations will be in tf�� best <br />interest of the property owners (ir�cludirtg the homes} and the City <br />as a whole. We therefore s�gge5t serious consideration o-F the <br />