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<br />VOTERS AGAINST THE TWIN LAKES PROJECT <br />SOME COMMENTS <br /> <br />· Why doesn't the city council help subsidize our property taxes? <br />· The city and citizens of Roseville will pay for not benefit from this-only the <br />developers will. <br />· It is ludicrous and fiscally irresponsible for a city council to agree to pay a for <br />profit company to develop private property. The whole process has been a fiasco <br />from the start restricting proposals from only onecompany. This is not the <br />democratic process. <br />· We don't need any more big retail development. Build some single family homes <br />and make more part space. <br />· Taxpayer funded subsidies for big business at the expense of Roseville residents <br />is WRONG! Please send this notice to every Roseville resident. <br />· No big box. Too much traffic & retail now. Tranquility lost for nothing but <br />trash. <br />· Put this proposal on the ballot and let Roseville residents VOTE on it. It won't <br />pass because as it stands it STINKS. <br />· Property taxes are high enough. Roseville DOES NOT NEED any more retail. <br />· Do the 3 members of the council in favor of big box care at all about how the <br />majority of Roseville residents feel? If so, they'd have a referendum vote and <br />listen to those that elected them rather than corporate developers that live outside <br />Roseville. <br />· I'm willing to give this small donation to help fight the misuse of my taxes for the <br />misappropriation of private property. <br />. Listen to the citizens of Roseville. The majority of them are against this <br />development. Reverse your decision and vote this down. <br />· I need my money for medical and living expenses not to pay taxes for rich <br />development. We all pay our own way. <br />· We don't need anymore retail in Roseville. <br />· Hang in there, Amy Ihlan. We support you. <br />· Our taxes are too high as it is without adding to the burden. Let the developer use <br />his own money instead of ours. We should recall the people who want to push it <br />through without voter approval. <br />. Property by eminent domain is not right. <br />· Against big box, too dense in housing, too much traffic, use TIP dollars to <br />pollution clean up then offer popery to other developers, not Rottlund. <br />· We do not need a big box or more retail. <br />· No more commercial in Roseville. We already have 4X the average household. <br />· This is not representative government. I simply can't understand why some <br />council members support this plan and choose to ignore the citizens. It's become <br />and unfortunate show of stubbornness. <br /> <br />1 <br />