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ROS�VILLE PARK ADTD RECRE�TION CO:MMITTEE <br />NLETING 0�' .�ANUARY 27 , 1975 - 8: 00 p�?�? � <br />CEDARHQLM GOLF COURSE <br />PRESENT: Cou�nittee rnembexs Hermann, Akins� Cushman� Todd, <br />Hendrzcks and Rog„ Fix, taal�.�n and rztzsimmons� <br />Liaison �ember Tom C�a.r�.e� <br />ABSENT: La�sor� and Graiziger <br />�. Chairman-Ray Hermann called the meeting to order, �rank Ra¢ <br />introduc�d the RecreaCion Department's new Director of <br />Women.' s Activi�ties , Joan TnTal.lin . <br />IZ. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER MINUTES <br />[��1 <br />Bill Cushmar� moved th� Noveznbe� minutes be annroved as mailed, <br />ACTI�N: Carri�d <br />DISCUSSION ON STATE FUNDS - CFNTRAL PARK - RE�lUE5'� �'ROT? C�Tv <br />GOUNCIL ON PRIORITY EVALUATxON IN LIGHT OF STATE MATCHING �'Uy?�S <br />Frank info3rmed the Committee we Taere e1i.�ible �or un to <br />50,000 itk Lawcom fun.ds far CenCral park, ?ATe wi1l rave to com� <br />up with ma�Cching fux�.ds and will have to reann�Y �or ��is �rar,t <br />bv NI�y. The Council wants �o know if w� want to chan�� aur <br /> in Cani�al Ou41ay �o ca�ne un with our shaxe, <br />Mr. Rog pointed out we could: <br />1) ch.ang� our priorities <br />2) reco�zimend we stay �,rith ouz- Canital. Outlav �1ans for <br />�975 and comm�t 197b rno-nzes, or <br />3} ask the Council to �btain the matching fvrzds so�n�where <br />e1se. <br />After dzscuss�on, a fnotioz� was made b���� odd to include i'ter�_s <br />�r8 and 9 on CapitaZ Improvements list'�'Item 2 to make un the <br />$50 , OOd �.n matching f�unds , specifyit?� this be t�sed as matchir�u <br />�uxa.ds . �Ierzdricks seconded the mo�tion with the amendmen� that <br />funds no� used in 1975 be put back an Che I975 Canital �m�rove- <br />ment�s 1ist. Motion. ca�ried unanimouslv. <br />IV. DISCUSS�ON - VZLI,A �ARK SKI ARFA <br />kFr. Rog explained the proposed impxovPmen�s to tTi.11a Parlt Ski <br />area takir�.g in sr�owmaking ec�ui�m�ent , cons cruction of a cha�et , <br /> T-Bar and Cable to�as and acqua.s� tior�. of nrane.rty a� <br />the top of the hi11. " <br />He �.zzfo�ned the Comm�.ttFe of his �nnearar�ce befor� the Council <br />to explain the whole s�zi operation.. He met with rer�resen�atives <br />of the B-Da1e Men's Club as well as ne�.�hborhoad resicients. it <br />