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It anpears the Counci� would like a chalet more in �he <br />$Sd,000 area. The The sk� area should be a"first class" <br />operation and a chalet cau�d be used year 'round by Sr. <br />Citizens, Brid�e gro�ps, meetin�s or even a Teen Center. <br />It �aas feli that the more wid��y used it was, �he less <br />vandal�s� would he incurred. <br />No action �aken. Zt was decided to lay the matter over <br />for the next Committee meet�ng, giving the Recreation <br />Committee members a ehance �o s�udy the pronosals, ta�k to <br />skiers and give �heir vxews at the February Committee meeting. <br />V. CENTRAL PARI� DEVELOpMENT �LANS, LAKE IMPROVEMF'NTS, ETC. <br />rank infoz-med the Committee the Cen�ral park Foundation had <br />signed a contxact for $b,QQO with �he Minnesota Enviranment�l <br />Scien�e Foundation, Inc. for workin� nlans to imnzove �he <br />land eas� af Da1e Street as a nat�re area. ��ith these rilans <br />the Boy Scouts, Gr�l Scouts and other �rou�s would have' <br />something to bo by when o�fer�ng their services for vo�unteer <br />work. Some of the money wi11 also go to study �he rest of <br />the area.� Mr. Rog a�so told the committee the Central Park <br />Foundation has $65,000 for the improvement of Lake Bennett. <br />Banis��er Engineerin� Campany has been emALoved for S3,OOd <br />to make an alternate plan far imvravements io Lake Bennett. <br />National Car Rental has a Mudcat (sma1� hydraulic dred�e) <br />which might woxk in dred�in� Lake Bennett and also could be <br />used at�tidillow Pond and other lake areas. niscussion was held <br />and rlr. Rog said �he dzed¢�ng operatian woul� be decided a_�ter <br />further study. The lake may be left as is with some of �he <br />stumps pulled out along �he shore and the shore cleaned u�. <br />ACTXON::None <br />VI. ICL AR�NA <br />Sally infarmed the Coxa�nittee �he Ice A�ena was doing fairly ��e�1 <br />(as per the December financial statern�zxt) $12 , 000 has been <br />spent on renovating the back room an.d i.t is much im��aved.- <br />Money wi�l have to be appropriated in 1976 to �oaint the roo�. <br />Sally pointed out pressure for more rental ice would be felt <br />next Fal1 with�:the Girls` Hockey prograzn and figux'e s?c.ating <br />as well as increasing RYHA requirements. <br />Frank r�parted he had sent out questiannaires to the di�rerent <br />groups ice time as to theix vrojected needs. Sorne <br />discussion followed on Ice Aren.a car�acity crowds �.nd the <br />possibility of chan�in.� the gaznes a�tzacting over capacity <br />crowds to the earl�ex game �ime to cu� down on the early �arne <br />over�iaw. This �ou�.d be attem�ted next vear. <br />ACTION: None <br />