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,x <br />��lr. Jair,Qs Andre; P•tar�ager <br />Villac�u of �'.os`vi11e <br />2707 �1. �ex3ng�on �lvenuz <br />S-�. pau� , i�inn�sota 551�k3 <br />Re: Ramsey County SnoaSrrr�obiie Ordinance <br />Dear M�. A.ndr�: <br />Jar�uar-y 21, 1�75 <br />�,,�` - - • -_ _ - "-; __ _ - ._ _� <br />_ �- � <br />1��� ° "- J = , _ ., � . ; : <br />. 1L:; 1 �� n ,���r \ �`*'� <br />,,, _, i:;; ;� <br />�ofC �+ <br />� ��1. �' i�� j��?�i�,�`'�tt��� <br />Fcs�,;r i <br />-�� .,�,�eso�a i <br />A� the direc�ion of the �aard of P.amsey County Cammissioners, the <br />Dp�n Space Planning Of�ric� �n coaperation tiv�tn �he Ransey GoUnty Atiorney`s <br />Of�Fice has revie�ved and subseauer��ly revised i�te Snov��mab�le Ordinance <br />adopied 6y the County Board in 1971. <br />At the 3oard of Corr�iss�oners me�ting o-F Dece�t�er 16, 197�, the <br />Comm�ssio�ers directed that a public hearing be held or� February �0, <br />i975 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Counci1 Cha�oers, 3rd �ioor, St. Paul <br />C�ty Ha�� , 4th �nd Yeilogg, to deternine p�bl �ic and r�unici�a�t react�on <br />�o Lhz proposed Snoti�rmobile Ord�nance v�rhich w��l reguiate operatian oT <br />snav�miobi7es on P.amsey County par� and recreation areas, ar�d ti�raterti•�ays <br />a�d streets �ri�hin ti�e jurisd�ic�ion of �he County. <br />Enclosed for yaur revie�� is a copy of the Propased Sr�o.�mobile <br />Ordinance, the 1971 Sno�rr3r�obi7 e Ord�r�ance (now in e�rect} , a;� expl an- <br />a�ion a-F proposed changes, and a chart cor�paring the content �r � th t�at <br />of m�nic�pal ordinances. <br />The Soard of Cor�missTOners encaurag2s yau to �a�:e yo��r reacLian� <br />and concerr�s [cn�own ei�F�zr in per$or� a�t the publ �c hearing or by i e�t�r. <br />lr�ri�tten res�onses shou�d bz ad�ressed to the Board of Rar.;szy Ccunty <br />Comm�ssiorers, cJo Ramsey County.Open Space P�ar�ning Off�ce, 520 <br />Commerce Build�ng, St. Paul, Minnesota 5��0�. A�� eorres�ondencn S•r�ili <br />b� subm���ted %o �he Comm�ssioners. <br />If y¢u have any questions �e1a�i��e to �he praposed Ordi�ance or <br />t�e pu�l ic hearing, �ori.act Ken Simons a� 298-5251 . <br />�ie 1 ook for��ard to your ir���erest and i r�vo� ver��n�. <br />�,�������'�' ����7� <br />520 COh1M�RCE 9UlLDi%iG <br />ST. PAIFL; [vilyiJcSpTA 55101 <br />TELEPHQNE 223-5556 <br />S�nc�ly � - - <br />-:� ;�� �,,,.�_.._ <br />� ����-:..;�a-�' <br />�ernard �.. Ed�;ands <br />Direct�r of r"arks & R�cre3tion <br />���� S�A.�� SYSiE�� <br />