<br />Regular Meeting o� the C�ti� Council -�ebruar� 24, 19�So
<br />�he Caty Counci2 met on the abo�e date with the �ollowing
<br />members present� Mayo� ��nebarger, Counc�lmen Curley, Demos,
<br />Hess and Brennana
<br />A�1 Demos Moved, He�� Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting
<br />of Febx°ua�� 10, 1975, be approved as corrected�
<br />On page 2, Sectzon B�Ii, �hauld read�
<br />"Demo� Moved, Curley Se�onded, that the regue�t of George Plank
<br />and Mon�°oe Trapp for �a�at. ��n of' right�of-raa� (Fernwood �rom
<br />S}terren Street to TH 36 and sex�xce lane fxom Fex°nwood ea.s�
<br />250 eet) be conxanued un�.�1 the meeting oi Feb�uary 24, 1975
<br />and because Mro Plank had to leave the meetin� eax�ly�, �hat
<br />Mro Qlank and Mr� irap� be noti�ied that the ap�licat�on was
<br />continued� Roll Call, A�e�o Cux°le�, Demos, Hess, Brennan and
<br />L,ix�ebarger o _ 3�ays� None,"
<br />Ro�l Call, l�ye�e Curiey, Demos, Hess, Brennan and L�.nebarger,
<br />Na��� Noneo
<br />B-1 Demos Moved9 $xennan Seconded, that James i�und Construct�on Campany
<br />r�equest for F�inal Plat "�Yames Lund Estates'" at approximately 3009
<br />Troseth Itoad be continued until the meeting of March 10, I975o Roll
<br />Call, Ayesa Cu.�ley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebargero Naysa
<br />IVone,
<br />B-2 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the request of Rosevilie State
<br />Bank for rezoning f'rvm Bml �o B-2 at 1445 County Road B be cont�nued
<br />until the meeting of Mar�ch 10, 1975o Roll Cail, I1yes o Curley,
<br />Demos, Hess� Brennan and Lanebar�ger� Naysa Nane�
<br />B-3 Demos Mo�ed, Brennan Second�ed9 that Resolution IVo� 6216 vacating
<br />right-o�9way (��rnr�ood from Sherren 5treet to T'H 36 and servYCe
<br />lane from Fernwood east 250 f"eet} be adopted, and that the City�
<br />Manager wrrite a 1.etter to the Ramsey Count� Assesso� requesting
<br />that praperty owned by Mr, Plank not be split for �ax purposesz
<br />unles� ai.ppro�ed by Councz�.� Roll Call, Ayes� Cu�°1ey, Demos; .
<br />He�sr Srennan and T��n.ebarger� I�ay�s � 1Vone�
<br />C--1 Brennan Morred, He�s Se�onded, that a work session be established
<br />ior Monda�, Max°ch 1Q, 19�5, 6�00 �aMa at the C�t� Hall for the
<br />purpose o� reviewing the bid� on the new City Hall and Fire Statiano
<br />R.o11 Call, A�es° Curle�, Demos, Iiessa Brennan and Linebarger�
<br />Na�so Nonea
<br />7�30 poM,
<br />ST�TE BANK
<br />NOa 6216
<br />C-2 Demos Moved, Curley Seconded, t.hat a special mee�ing be held on SF'ECIAL
<br />Monday, March 3, 1975� 6030 �'DM., at the City Hall, �or the purpose MEBT�NG
<br />of discussing the Houszng Assistance Program and making the appoint-
<br />ment to the School District No� 623 Building Usage Task �oxce�
<br />Roll Call, Ayeso Curley, Demo�, Hess, Brennan and Lznebargere Nayso
<br />Noneo
<br />