<br />E-1 Curley Moved, Brennan SYconded� that the reauest of the
<br />Metropol�tan Transit Commission for an extension o� Sto Paul
<br />Bus Route bA northerly� along Dale 5tree� to Dale Court, to
<br />Alta V�.�ta Drir�e and back fio DaZe Street and for an extens�on
<br />of Route 4 to the Space Center and noxtherly to Arden Hills be
<br />appro�redo Roll Call, Ayeso Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and
<br />Linebarger, Nay�o Noneo
<br />E-�2 Curiey Moved, Demo� 5ecanded, that the Public Woxks Director
<br />be author�.zed to contact Ramsey County x°egarding the install-
<br />atxon o� a directional s�gn at Long Lake Road and County� Road C
<br />dYrecting tra��'ic to Clerreland Avenueo Roll Call, Ayese Curley,
<br />Demos, Hess, Brennan and L�_nebaxgero Nays� Noneo
<br />E-3 Hess Moved, Brennan Second�d, that Badger Meter M�go Company
<br />be ataarded the bid for suppl.� of wa�er meters (plastxc ty�pe)
<br />fox° the year 19�5� Ro11 Call, Ayeso Curley, Demos, Hess,
<br />Brennan and Linebargera Idays� Noneo
<br />�-4 Curley Moved, Demas Seconded, �hat Mike Paul Electric Company
<br />be awrarded the bid zn the amount of $19,860 �or Improvement
<br />W-74-18, known as Water Works Supervisory Contxol 5ystem Modi-
<br />ficat.ions� Roll Call, Ayeso Curley, Demosa Hess, Brennan and
<br />i.inebarger, Nay�s° Noneo
<br />E-5 Brennan Moved, He�s Seconded, that the lease with the Minnesota
<br />Hfghwa� Department for recrea�ional use of sound abatement land
<br />be continued� Roll Call, l��eso Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan
<br />and Linebargere Nayse None�
<br />E-b Demos Moved, Curley SeCOnded, that Resolution Noo 6217 opposing
<br />the proposed Ramsey� County T'ol�ce Department be adopteda Roll
<br />Call, Ayese Curley, Demos� Hess, Brennan and Linebargero Nayse
<br />None o
<br />Linehargex° Moved, Hess 5econdedp that Resol.u�ion Noo 6218 opposing
<br />the Gountyawride para-medic and county�-wide ambulan�e ser�ice be
<br />adopted unt.il such time that t.he Counczl ha� alI the facts and
<br />details xegarding the propo�ed serviceso f2o11 Ca11, Ayese Curley,
<br />Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebarger.. Nay-se l�oneo
<br />Demos Mov ed, Hess Seconded, that Resolution Noe 6219 opposing
<br />'�he sale of wine �n grocery stores be adoptedo Roll Call, Ayese
<br />Curley�, Demos, Hess, Brennan and L,inabargero I3ayso Noneo
<br />E-7 Curley Mo�ted, Demos Seconded, that the following pe�sonnel actions
<br />of the iiolunteer Fzre Department be conf�rmeda
<br />lo Off icer� elected �anuary� 5, 197Se
<br />Ch�.e� - Floyd LeCuyer, Sro
<br />Deputy Chie� � Jack Schmidt
<br />Deputy Chief - Leo Jarombek
<br />T'reasurer - La�°ry Braun
<br />Secretary - James Bodsgard
<br />BIDS
<br />WATER
<br />SYSTEM
<br />LEASE
<br />RE SOLUI` � ON
<br />NOo 62I7
<br />NQ� 6218
<br />NOa b219
<br />