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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 08/22/05 <br />Minutes - Page 17 <br /> <br />[8.1] <br />Kough moved, Schroeder seconded, adoption of Resolution No. <br />10327 entitled, "A Resolution Approving a Request by Todd <br />Iliff, 1822 Dale Court, for a Variance to Section 1004.016 <br />(Residential Lot Size Dimensions - Comer Yard Lot Size) of the <br />Roseville City Code (PF 3655). <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke against the motion, opining that she <br />could not determine that a hardship issue existed; that the <br />property had been put to a reasonable use for a long time, and it <br />wasn't a hardship that you couldn't subdivide your lot; and <br />expressed concern about the visibility and safety for the <br />neighborhood regarding the site lines, particularly during adverse <br />weather conditions. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder spoke against the motion, opmmg <br />that an exception didn't exist that created a hardship for granting <br />a variance; and that the Council was being asked to create a <br />small lot to erect a small house. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough cited a similar unique situation on <br />Hamline and Woodhill and the favorable outcome and blending <br />accomplished with the neighborhood; further opining that he <br />didn't observe a safety factor. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in favor of the motion, as per Planning <br />Commission recommendation for approval; opining that the <br />hardship test had been adequately described and met as outlined <br />in the staff report. Mayor Klausing noted that this accomplished <br />a broader public policy consideration for a first-ring suburb that <br />was substantially developed to provide renewal sources for the <br />City in encouraging smaller and younger family units to remain <br />in the City rather than locating further away. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka noted that the unique shape of the lot <br />allowed an opportunity to create a smaller home, and anticipated <br />if it would be a marketable lot. Councilmember Maschka opined <br />that the lot was close to minimum lot size, and spoke in support <br />of the motion. <br />