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<br />:>ME <br /> <br />SMART MOVES <br /> <br />,"';ATliHll,\Y, ,1,\NI~AI\l :..;;") , :":(1(1:1 SJ <br /> <br />Get help, probe neighborhoods <br />before a long-distance move <br /> <br />Acaptain in the U.S. Navy <br />was stat10neu in South <br />Korea near the Dl'militarized <br />Zone when he received orders <br />that he would be tran,ferred to <br />a new and unfamiliar arca back <br />in the United Stall". It I'd] to his <br />wife to seek Ollt the right m'igh- <br />Imrhood and home in thl' new <br />area_ I )ngged research helped' <br />the woman make the hpsl choic- <br />es for her f'amil:v or riVl'. <br />High among he!' priol'HiL's ._____CUll_~':~_lIlst <br />\Va::; finding <l high Sdlool with a - - ---- <br />first-rate baml. This was impol'- agent. Among other sites. YOll <br />tanl. for her eldest son. a senior might visit that of tht' Employee <br />and an accomJllislll'd trumpt't Helocation Council w\'l'. <br />player. She was abo t'oncerl1l'd org. <br />about the edueation of hel' tW(~ . Don't Make the a.sump- <br />younger suns. tion t.hat high property taxes <br />She arranged hour-long con~ mean hetter services. assurnpw <br />vcrsatiom; with several high lion could be flawed, says Dr. <br />school mUS1C dlrcelIJI'S, as well Larry DeBoer, un ceonomist and <br />as principals at schools her chil- property tax expert at Purdue <br />(h'en might. aU end. This helped Univen~ity. <br />narrow her choices in he!' pur" High tax rates on residential <br />suit of thp right community. property could simply mean <br />Also cl'ntJ'a1 to her quest \vas that the overall tax hase is <br />the partnership sht' l'stahlishl'(} shrinking due to a decline in <br />with ht'l' real estate agent, who Iota] husinesses. <br />~pn(~l'at.ed reams of statistics to . Use the Internet to <br />help he!' ('OIllIHII'L' OIl<.' neighhor- probe for cl'im-e information. <br />hood with another. You can pick up statistieal infor- <br />Th~' family' _ was indel'd mat~m Oll j:.Timc by calling or <br />vlua~ed veith .its ult,imall' hous- . . l . <br />ing ,l'hoil'l~. They chose a solid. <br />20-yeal' ,old. Colonial-st\'le home <br />with a huge yard in an (-'SlaU- <br />Iished neighborhood with tI'Pt'- <br />lined stl'eets. Best of all, the <br />house was located just two <br />miles from a high :-Icl1001 \vlwre <br />the trumpet...playing son could <br />develop his talf'nls. <br />MilitaJ'Y"T'l'lat.t::'{1 1'e!()c;\ti()lls <br />I'emain common, h1l1 on'rilll <br />long-distance t'mploynll'1l1 <br />moves have dropped ahollt I () <br />percl~nt in the wake of Sept. 11. <br />BeH-tightl'ning by employers <br />during difficult l'conomic times <br />is thl' principal n'lIS01l. sa.vs W. <br />lWUCl' Walli!), af! l'Xl'clltivc with <br />Cendant Mobility, a major l'l'Io- <br />catioll compan~'. Still.lIJ(lIl,\' Jll'{J <br />pie continue to Illake long-dis- <br />tance IlHlVl'S to kl~t:p their juk; <br />OJ' find Ill'W OtH'S_ I-len' .In' sug- <br />g,-;~l,ions for tllO;':\" n::10l'<111ng 1(1 <br /><Ill unfamiliar an';!: <br />. Work with a real estate <br />agent with special expcrtise in <br />lonl-!;-disUuH'l' mow's. The Intel' <br />nd C<ill help YOll find su('h illl <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />ELLEN JAMES <br />MARTIN <br /> <br />viHiting neighborhood police <br />;.;taUons. Another option is to <br />check Wcil site, offering public <br />safety ratings on communities. <br />Onl' such source is "The <br />!{e!oeation Crime Lab," which <br />can hI.' I"OWH} at <br />WWw.hOIlldair.col11.This free <br />sel'vice provides relative rank- <br />ings Oil publie safety for thou- <br />sands of communttieR in the <br />U.S, and ('anada. <br />. Compare communities <br />from an investment standpoint. <br />Before zeroing in on a pmticu- <br />lar home, those new to an area <br />s!HJuld clevi..'lop all ovel'view of <br />the investment potential of sev~ <br />l'l"al neighborhoods, says <br />Hitch ie, the Re/Max I'eloeation <br />spl'eialist. Obtain a history of <br />appreciation patterns for one <br />ndghllol'hood vs. anot.her. <br />YOUI' agent should he able to <br />gl'neratl' such an analysis, help- <br />ing you make a prudent choice <br />from an investment standpoint. <br />Wallin, of Cendant Mobility, <br />1't~commends you phone your <br />new boss to ask for guidance on <br />neighhorhood selection. <br /> <br />",1/1'11 .Ia!li('s Morrin is a !lotion- <br />1111.1/ slllldic(ffer! Clilllll/ni....i. <br />