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Case Number 8G;-74 <br />Apri I 3, 1974 <br />Page 7hree <br />7. Given tl�e unavailability of a site on the Concordip Academy properi�y, we <br />exarnined Site "G" iocated slightly to the south, west of Dale 5treet, between <br />Cope and Lovel f Avenues. This site fronts on a level portion of Dale Si-reet, <br />has adequafe land area wifhout purchase of a home, it is between County Road B <br />and B-2, is away from a maEor intersection by more than several hundred �eet, <br />has ready access to Highway 36, and is generally surrounded by compatible land <br />uses. The site is directly across the street from a church (on the east side) has <br />an apartment structure across Cope Avenue (to the south}, would hc�ve open land <br />to the rear (west) and has apartments to the north except for single famify <br />reside�tial af the irrzmediate corner, which is surrounded to the north c�nd west <br />by the apartment properfy. There is single family development fronfiing on <br />Lovefl Avenue to fihe northwest. A large scale site �fan has been prepared <br />for t�is properi-y, indicating how all the access requirements can be achieved <br />with the parking oriented to the south, and the fire ap{�aratus egress orieni-ing <br />to the east (across the street from fhe church). We suggest that this site be <br />given serious consideration as the one which best fits all of the criteria, except <br />having firemen living in the immediate vicinit-y. <br />8. Following a review of the various sites as outlinec} herein, members of your <br />staff inet with the Fire Chief, Floyd LeCuyer and his Depty Chief, Jack Schmidt <br />at the Cii�y Ha[I on Wednesday, March 27th. We reviewed maps, air photos, <br />site plans and the criteria for station selection. We fihen exarnined each of the <br />sites noted in this report in the field. 1t was agreed that in terms of the locafion <br />of the a paratus (fi�e trucks), ti�e best location is Site "G", some 700 feet <br />south of fihe interseciion of 8-2 and Dale.. In effect, the Fire Departmenf <br />representatives are saying that if it were a paid department, ancf i-hat . <br />drivers were available at the stafion, this site is the best location from the <br />standpoint o� strategic location, level site, adequate area, contiguous <br />developmeni-, and good site visibiiify away from a major i�tersection.. <br />9. Th� Fire Department rep�-esentatives, �owever, do feel that they desire the <br />Coun�y Road B and Western location because of its proximity t�o presenf inembers <br />within the clepartment, In the view of fire department personnel then, is the <br />question of a choice between Sii'e "A" and Site "G". We suggesfied that we wouid <br />prepare simple sit� plans for both of these sites so that they can be fairly compared <br />at the pianning commission meeting. Site plans and other graphic information wili <br />be prepared in slide form as an aid to a review of the sites in question, and the <br />evaluation as to the most appropriate location. <br />