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Case Number 8f 7�. <br />April 3, i974 <br />Page Two <br />on a portion of t�e Concordia Academy High School was the best. Represeni�atives <br />of the high school appeared at the hearing, however, and stated fihat they <br />have current expansion p[ans to utilize fihe property, and therefore did not desire <br />to sell a porfion of the land to the City, The Fire Chief appeared at the hearing <br />with members of his depari�ment recommending i-hat the station be located at <br />County Road B and Western, due to its proximity i'o members of the department <br />in and near that neighborhood. <br />�4. Site plans were prepared for a11 three of i-he sifes, indicating that Site "C" <br />(northeast corner of B-2 and Dale) is very shalfow in depth requiring pn orientation <br />of the station parallel wifh County Road 6-2 so as to accommodctte a 70 foot <br />ramp space in front of the fire doors for a hook and ladder. The sii-e plan for <br />location "D" indicated a station could be accommodated well on this site, <br />- though it would invofve the purchase of an existing home in the southern portion <br />of the properfiy. <br />5. It was suggested at fhe hearing thaP there are other sites betweer� County Road <br />B--2 and B which merit consideration. The Planning Commission recommended <br />the question be held over ta the April meeting of the Comrnission, <br />6. At the March 25th meeting, the Council noted fheir desire to hpve the Planning <br />Commission recommend what t'hey consider the most appropriate sifie to serve the <br />eastern area of the City. The Council will i-hen review this recommendation and <br />make a decision as to fihe site to be selecfed. With this charge in mind, two additional <br />sites have been reviewed in adclition to those previously anaiyzed. These are shown <br />on the sketch at the left as Site"F"(northeast of Virginia High School) and Site "G" <br />(west of Dafe Street between Cope and Loveil Avenues), We examined the <br />potential for a site at location "F" which would involve Phe acquisition of at least <br />the soui-hernmost house of the two located at the northeast corr�er of the school site . <br />We also me# with the superintendent of school to review possibilities as it <br />r�lates to the school property and, in par#icular, as it relates i-o Site "F". We <br />had not previously contacted the school, inasmuch as we are aware of the fact <br />that the Junior High School site is currently subsfandard as relates t-o normal <br />land requirements for a Junior High School of that scale. This faci' was confirrr�ed <br />with the school superintendent, but �e did indicate that if a site were to be <br />selecPed at iocation "F", that the School Board would consider any small area <br />of land thpt might be needed to augment the sife. If you visit the site, you will <br />nofP that there is a small area of land between the northernmost bpckstop and the <br />lot shown as $ite "F". This area is vsed as a service access drive to the playground <br />area. lt would qppear f}�at this strip of land could be added to Site "F" to increase <br />its frontage s[ightly to accommodai-e a fire sfation with adequate pprking and <br />the "drive-thr�ugh feature for a hook and ladder truck" , The site, however, has <br />three liabilities in that it is located on a grade, woufd require considera6le fi11 <br />(inasmuch as the land slopes to the wesi} and a home would have to be acquired <br />which is occupied by an elderly person who has a strong desire to live out her <br />days in her curreni- residence. <br />
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