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� <br />Ccrse Number; 770-73 <br />Page Two <br />3. The sketch qi- the leff is a copy of a map that was sufamitted with the <br />report indicating the focaiions of sites under consideration numbered <br />1, 2, and 3. The "X�' on the sketch indicai-e the location oF residences <br />of i0 of the firemen in the immediate neighbori�ood. The recomrriendeci <br />site is at the northwest corner, is currently unoccupied and zoned <br />Single Family. A Panoramic picture of the site wi{f be avc�ifable at <br />the meeting for your consit�eration. As nofed in the Manpger's memo, <br />the purpose of the hearing is i-o det-ermine the neighborhood reaction <br />to the proposal to construct the fire stafion af this location. To our <br />knowledge no preliminary plans f�ave been prepored indicai-ing the <br />manner in which the station would be constructed on the site. <br />4. The principal considerafion in selecting a fire stafion site to serve this <br />portion of the 6uilding, should be its strategic position in relationship <br />to the service area. Care should be taken to of�tain the best possible <br />site to mosfi efficiently serve the service prea in a safe and convenient <br />manner. One condition not in favor of �he No. 1 sii-e selected is the <br />fact fihat Western Avenue does not exfend across Highway 36. Thus, a <br />run to any por.tion of the ea5terly part of Rosevi!!e nort� of 36 will <br />n�cessii-ate a half mile travel distance to either Da4e Sfreet or Rice Sfireet. <br />Lilcewise, any run to the area south of Lake McCarron will invalve a <br />__ � trip either around the east side of fhe lake or the west side. <br />5. Norrnally, if a fire sfiation is located near a limited access highway <br />(such as Highway 36}, the station would be locqted close to an interchange <br />so as to be abie to get across and onto the freeway itseif, Wifih this in <br />mind, a location in the vicinii-y of County Road B and Dale St-reet would <br />be ideal, excepf thai- no obviously available }�iece of land exists in the <br />immediate vicinity of that crossroads. <br />fi. If however, the fire station is to serve the entire east- end of the Village, <br />then, a iocation in t�e vicinity of DaEe Street qnd County Road B--2 might <br />�e considered {inasmuch as County Road B-2 is the mid--point between the <br />north and saufh boundary of the Village in the east end). Open land exists <br />at this iocation, though we are not awQre of it having been determined that <br />it is availabfe for sale. T�e number af firemen who live in the immediate <br />vicinity of tl�e latter site has not been checked out, and this may be an <br />important factor (pari�iculariy in view of the firemen who are to serve it}. <br />7. We suggest that reviewing some of fihese considerations wiYh the Fire Chief <br />and his assistants and with the Fire Underwriters might be appropriafe before <br />making a final decision on a site that will have to serve the Village for <br />many years to come . <br />� <br />
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