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�.. _w . <br />� <br />..� <br />�.� <br />34� <br />� <br />._s * <br />� ,� <br />.,,. <br />. f <br />�Y� <br />May 1, i 974 <br />PL4Ni�JING REPQRi'S <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />825-74 <br />� �� <br />� <br />APPLICANT: Victor Lametti <br />25fi2 North Cleveland Avenue <br />Rosevi{le, Minnesota <br />LQCATiON: <br />ACTION R�QUESTED: <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATfONS: <br />Nor#heast Carner of Cfeveland Avenue and <br />Oakcrest (see sketch) <br />Variance to Building Height <br />1, Tl�is property was cansidered at the March meeting of the Pianning Commission <br />at whic� time the Planning CommiSSion recommended approval of the rezaning <br />of the la�d from "I-1" ta "B-3", approval of a preliminary plat, anci a special <br />use permit for the construction af a motel . You will recall the proposai involves <br />the construction of a restaurant and a motel, which wouid be built at the <br />corner of Cleveland and Oakcrest. <br />2. The motei is pro�osed to be four stories in height, and the Business Districts <br />require a special use permit for buildings over three shories. The applicant <br />is thus appiying for this additional story in height at this time. Large scale <br />dravsrings of the proposed motel buiic{ing will be avaiiable at the Planning <br />Commission meet'ing. You wiii recall the proposal was for a four si'ory all <br />masonry building,`which is to be fully sprinklereci. The plans have 6een <br />reviewed by the Fire Marshall, and he hqs no objection ta the four story <br />structure . <br />3. 7he initial Motel building in the City af Roseviils was the Trucker Motei <br />on County Road C constructed about 10 yecsrs ago. That building is six <br />stories in height. <br />4. As you know, severai high rise oFfice buildings have been constructed in the <br />City of Roseville and we wouid anticipate the development of further higher <br />buiEdings as the iand becomes more valuable and less area is avai{able far <br />ur�anizat'san. Normal{y, concern about t�e height of structures is most sensitive <br />when the buildings are in ciose proximiiy to single fami{y areas. <br />