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_Z� <br />E-1 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that Resol�tion Noo 6102 <br />relating to salary increases f�r barg�.ining uni� members a£ <br />Local 49 be adoptedo Ro11 Call, Ayes: B�ennan, Cu�°1ey, Demos, <br />Hess and Linebargero Nays: None� <br />r,-2 De�nos Moved, Hess Second.ed, that Reso:�ution Noo d103 regarding <br />adj tasted wage rates be adapt�do Roll Call, Ayes : Bx°ezinan, <br />Curley, Demos, Hess and Linel�arger� Nay�s: Noneo <br />E-3 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that the Managex° be autho�rized <br />to sign the Agreement be�w�en the S�at� o� Nl�.nne�ota Depa�°imen� <br />of Employment Se�rices �.nd �he CYt� t�� Rose�r�TYe r�egar�ing the <br />S�urur►er Youth Emplaymen�t P�vgx°ame Ro11 �a11, A�es : Brennan, <br />Curley, Demos, Hess and Linebargero N�ys: Nonee <br />E-4 Demos Nbved, Gt.irley Se��nd�d, �that the request o� G�r�ald <br />Anderson be approved tox� a channel that i� (�) pax�alre� to <br />the shore to provide pe�sonal bo�t access �o �he re�identxal <br />area as requested or (2) wi�:h a nox��t��south channel between <br />the two Iots, Roll C�1T, �l�es: Bx°ennan, Cux�Iey, Demos, Hess <br />and Linebargero Nays: None� <br />E-5 Cur�ey Moved, Brennan Seconded., that the reques� by Jwlette <br />Reinertson for divYSion of a 1ofi at 705 Heinel Ci�cle be <br />appxovedo Roll Call, Aye�. B�°enn�n, Cux°l�y, Demos, Hess and <br />Linebarger. Nays: None� <br />E-b Bxennan N�ved, Curley Secon�.ed, th��t �he �reliminary plat <br />"Horvath Addition" at. 2474 Nor�th Hamline Avenue be approved <br />with the condition �hat IO fee� a� acldition�l rz.ght-o�ww�� be <br />dedicated on Hamline Avenue, a�d a p�bl�c hea��ng set on the <br />fznal plai for June 1Q, �974� Roll G�.11, Ayes: Br�ennan, Cur�ley, <br />Demos, Hess and L�neba�gero Nay�: Ndneo <br />E-7 Demos Moved, Hess Se�onded, tha� a pubJ.ic h�aring be established <br />for June I0, 1974, on the r��uest o� Sc�ool Dis�rict No� 623 <br />for vacation of a poxtian of �k�7lman Avenue lying �ast of <br />Prior Avenueo Roll Ca11, Ay°e�: B��ennan, Curley, Demos, Hess <br />and Linebargero Nays: Noneo <br />E-8 Curley Moved, Brennan 5�cond�d, �hat the x°ec{uest by Commercral <br />Credit Corporafion for d.irr��ion o� a lot at 2360 Prior AvenL?e <br />be approvedo Roll Call, Ayes: Brennan, Curley, Demos, Hess <br />and Linebarger. Nays: Non�o <br />E--9 Br�ennan Nloved, Hess Sec�nded, tha� the ret{ue�t of Leslie Gonyer <br />far minor variance at 903 Lovell Avenue be approved� Roll Ca11, <br />Ayes: Brennan, Cur].ey, Demo�, He�s and Linebargero Nays: Noneo <br />RESOLUTION <br />N0. 6102 <br />RESOLUTTON <br />N0. 6I03 <br />SL1N�vI�R YOUTH <br />II�IPLOYMENT <br />PROGRAM <br />GERALD <br />ANDERSON <br />JUrIErI'E <br />REINERTSON <br />HORVA'I'H ADD' N. <br />SGHOOL DISTRICT <br />N0, 623 <br />CONA�RCIAi, <br />CR�DIT CORP. <br />LESLIE GONYER <br />