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June 5, 1974 <br />PLANNING REPQRT <br />CASE NUMBER; <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />ACTION REQUEST�D: <br />PLANNING CQNSfDERATIONS: <br />83Z-74 <br />Mrs, EstherMiller <br />530 North Dale Street <br />St. Paul, Minnesota <br />�ast Side of Lexington Avenue, <br />South of Aui�umn Street (See Sketch) <br />Approva! of Rezoning from "R-1" to "B-1" <br />1. The property consists of approximately 1 acre of land with a frontage oF <br />131..99 �eet on fhe east sicie of Lexington Avenue with a depth of <br />approximately 327 feet. ihe praperty is currently occupied by qn <br />older home, anc! is zoned single family residentiai, as is the property <br />to the east, south, and across the street af the southwest corner of <br />Autumn anc! Lexington Avenue. <br />2. The p�-operfy to the north was rezoned to "R-3" a�proximately 10 years <br />ago, and is occupied by a pair of muftiple residentiql 6uildings. The <br />addres5 of the property is 1880 North Lexington Avenue, and is currentfy <br />owned by Gerald and Arlene Herbsf. Attached is a copy of a letter from <br />the owner indicating the basic use of the property as proposed. In general, <br />the requesi- is to uti�ize the existing home as a chiropractic office to be <br />occupied by Dr. Millerr a nurse, and a receptionisi-. The ppPlicant proposes <br />i-o deve{op a parking area for six cars in the rear of i-he lot (east of the houss). <br />A large scale plan has been prepared indicating the proposed detai! of the <br />property development. <br />3. A medical prc�ctice, as you al{ know, is permiti-ed in the "B-1" zone in the <br />Roseville zoning code. Thus, it is necessary i�o rezone fhe property to "B-1" <br />in order to use the existing home for office purposes. Though the appficant <br />proposes to use the existing home for the office structure, it should be born <br />in mincf that the real question is one of rezoning the praperty for permitted <br />uses which are allowed in the "B-]" zane. These uses include medical buildings, <br />offices, nur5ing homes. This zone has frec�uently been used in the past in other <br />areas of the Ci�y fia effecf a transition from business to residential u5es. <br />