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Case Number: 831-74 <br />June 5, 1974 <br />Page Two <br />4. The basic issue in this case is i-hat of the ultimate use of the fronfage along <br />Lexington Avenve. As you know, this is a state highway wherein the traffic <br />does not create ideal conditions for single family residential. However, there <br />are a great many single family homes located on Lexington Avenue and it has <br />been the established policy of the City to discourage {and prevent) the graduai <br />"strip commercializqtion" of Lexington Avenue through the City of l�oseville. <br />In view of this policy, homeowners in the area may well object to any zoning <br />tending to dilui-e this policy. At the time the multiple rezoning was approved <br />and the apartments built on fhe property to tl�e north, it- was anticipai-ed that <br />addifiionaf reques�s for rezonings would occur along Lexington Avenue. Where <br />the lot sizes are Iprge (as is the case in poinfi} �here is of course additional <br />pressure for the fransition to either multiple or limitec! business uses. If any <br />zoning is to be considered in the area, certainly a limited business zone is fhe <br />appropriate zone, or one of fhe medium density residential zones - duplexes, <br />fourplexes, or a small scale townhouse development. <br />5. The use of the exisi-ing structure for limited medical purposes as proposed would <br />appear not to create any serious adverse affects. Flowever, the policy of rezoning <br />ihe land could well set a presiaence for fhe properties immeciiately to the soufh <br />down to the existing smaller lots fronting an Ruggles Street on the east side of <br />Lexi ngton . <br />� <br />6. We suggest the continuafiion of i-he policy of preventing the typica! "strip commercial" <br />development of Lexington Avenue. If however, the Planning Commission and <br />Council considers the retention of the residentiai uses on the east side of Lexington, <br />the "B-]" zone is the appropriafie zone for limited �usin�ss development in this <br />area . <br />