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-4- <br />As another item for a fu�ure program, it was deci�.ed to ask Jim Andre to attend the <br />July meeting to dis�uss the City's intentions regarcling Affirmative A�ction, Burke <br />Ra.ymond repoxted that Hennepin CoLmty had been told by the Equal F�ployment Oppoxtwaity <br />people that��$�ir major concern was for affirmative actian d�rected toward women and <br />Indians, there are so few Blacks percentagewise in the state. There was also some <br />interest expressed zn seeing what Roseville businessesare doing in the field of <br />AffiYmative Actiono <br />The question of access to the information availab�e through the police department's <br />co�puterized files was raised. It was decided that Dave Ha11 should contact the League <br />of Minnesota Htnnan Rights Corr�nissions to have them inquire of the State Crime Comanission <br />their policy on who can gain access to the information stored in those files and on <br />whefiher or not a person can see his own record, <br />Ib. The nex� meeting will be an Wednesday, JLme 12, at 7:30 P.M. in �he garage <br />lunchrooma <br />