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-3- <br />Dave HaT1 will send a Ietter to the Caimcil asking that the Resolu�ion b� cansidexed <br />at the cauncil meeting of June 10th, " <br />12. Ron Denison and Ann Berry spoke to the President of one of the local banks about <br />an alleged zncident of discriminatory treatment to a B1ack customer. The Pxesident <br />will remind his people at a staff m�eting of a need far extending courteous treat- <br />ment to all customers and woul.d like to have copies of the new Fhunan Rights Co�run.ission <br />Brochure for distribut�on �n the banko Bessie Battle commented that her �ale family <br />banks at that institution and had. no problems at al1 there. <br />13. The HRC brochure will be sent out with the water bi11s, put on the police and <br />finance counters in the City Hai1 for easy pickup by citizens, sent io the library, <br />to the banks and to the schools in the fa11. Other distribution wil], be made as <br />necessary. <br />�4. Ann Berry attended the April 29, city coLmcal meet u�g and reported that the only item <br />of interest to the Commission was the inference by a Rosevi].le citizen �hat the only <br />vandalism performed in he� neighborho�d was done by the "colored boys" frflm outside <br />Roseville. <br />The Corrnnission agreed that the pur�pose of having a member attend co�cil meetings was <br />to observe and to report back to the full ComQaission. If an a.ssu�e or question is <br />raised which rec{uzres a response by an HRC member, then the memher should respond as <br />an individual tmless �t is possible to relate an . established HRC policy or position. <br />No viewpoints should be expressed on behalf o� the Co�rnnisszon tu�less the Co�nission <br />has actually considered the matter and x°eached some conc�usion. <br />15. On the matter of a program for the Roseville HRC, it was decided that Minnesota <br />HRC's in general have a Zaw profile and a low priority status on the overall <br />conmitmaty agendao A specific program is neede�. which would be positive, visible, <br />action oriented, and manageable in scape. HRC's have generally been only a nagging <br />voice in the backgroimd of the co�rnrn.uiity and perhaps Roseville should not become <br />bogged down by txying to keep abreast of what other comrn�mities are doing, bu� <br />should strike out on its own vigorous programa <br />it was decided that suc.h things as a s�ide presentation and liaison with other HRCs <br />should receive low priority wl��l such as they axe most obviously rela�ed to <br />the goals of the Commissiano Of a11 the programs and ideas that the Gomm�.ssion <br />has considexed. to date, the HtAnan Relations Program r� by Frank N�cRay <br />for District 623 seems ta be the best one for the Corr�nission to become involved <br />with. By working close�y wi�h the School Board as a vehicle �or educating the <br />conuru.uiity, many more people could be expased ta Hunnan Rights concepts and pxinciple�. <br />Working with Frank on such a program should open up other avenues for the Coirnn- <br />ission to do its work in the co�nLmityo <br />It was decided. tha� fihe Gommission should met with Frank to discuss what �he <br />Commission can do to assist him, what t.he goals of a joint program with the <br />School District woul.d be, and to divide the labor involved in putting such a <br />program toge�her. That meeting isset for the regularly scheduled JLme meet�ng <br />on .Ture 12 , at 7: 30 P e M, in the garage Iunchroom. <br />