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MEETING J�e Z0, l�%4 <br />REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: <br />AGENDA SECTION : ORIGINATING DEPT. /D1V.: DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL. <br />Reports F Reco�mendations Administra�ion <br />�i <br />I'�_ ..i NO.: ITEM DESGRIPTION' MGR. REVI£WEp/RECOMMENDS: <br />� _�p Annual City Picnic 1 <br />� <br />The M�micipals have requested that Wednesday, June 19, be established as the day <br />£ox the annual picnic for City employees. City offices would be closea at 12:00 <br />Noon on that c�ay. <br />Tt has been the past practi�e for the Coi.mcil to pass a rrrotion designating the <br />date for the picnic and we would ask that you now pass a motion designating <br />June 19, 1974, as the date for the annual city picnic. <br />