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MEEDATE: `J�e ��� 1974 <br />REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTION <br />AGENPA S: C'�ON OF2IGINATIi�iG DE?T./DIV.: DEPT. HEAD APPROVA�. <br />Reports $ Recommend.ations Administra�ion <br />I. .i NO . I1EY GESCRIPT.on� Ftesolution amending applica.tion for Tax MGR.�„REVIEWED/RECOMMENDS: <br />�_ �� Forfeited Lands <br />At the April 29, 1974 Council meeting the Cauncil adopted Resolution No. 6100 directing <br />the preparation of an application for conveyance of Lots J., 2 and 3, Block 1, Kroiss <br />Lakeview Ad.d.ition, as tax-forfeited lands to the City of Roseville for Parks and. <br />Recreation purposes. <br />The Col.m�y Engineer is requesting iha� the puxpose be expanded to include "road wiaening <br />as to east 10 feet of the property and sight distance". <br />The staff has reviewec� the request and recomonends that the original resolution be amended. <br />The additional purposes would bring this portion of street (Dale) into compliance with <br />requirements for col.mty streets. <br />Action requested: Nbtion amending Resolutian No. b100 stating �.hat the Ci�y desires <br />the land for the following purposes: Park and Recreation purposes; <br />road widening as to east 10 feet of the above described property <br />and sight distance. <br />