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MEETING <br />REQUEST F�R COU�NCIL A�TlQiV °AT�� J�� 2�� �g'� <br />AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.: <br />Reports � REcommendations Aclministxation <br />ITEM NO_ : ITEM DESCRIP7IQN: <br />� r y Deferred Cozrg�ensation Plan <br />�. <br />DEPT.HEAD APPROVAL. <br />MGft. REVI�WED/RECOAAMEND5: <br />�"1 <br />�.�'�--r4..�° <br />Charles Honchel�., Direcior of Public Works, is reauesting the City of Rosevil�e to enter <br />into an agreement with the I{�9A Retiremen� Coxporation and himself to defer and deposit <br />a portian of his salary into a Trust aclmir�istered by ICM11 Retirement Carporation. <br />The I.C.M.A. Deferr�d Compensation Plan is available to any practzcing member of a <br />management or technical profession serving local or state govexn.ment. The deferred <br />portian of the employee's "total cor►ipensation" is not received by him during his period <br />o£ ernp�oymexzt �nd is tlierefore nat taxable during that period. The P1an is of particular <br />benefi� to those pro£essianal grou�s o� local government employees who tend to have a <br />higher geographi.c mobili�y. The Plan is campletely portable in that it �.s available ta <br />a11 Iocal arid state governments and is administxed by one national administrator. <br />The Plan provides the employee with a means af inee�xng �he diverse retirement needs �f <br />the administrative, professional and technical personnel. For the employee, it provides <br />a persona.l and flexible retirement program. <br />The Ci�y Atforney has reviewed �he agreements and has provided �anguage thereto which <br />assures that Rasevi].le is not vbligated beyond tu�ning over the deferred cot�ensation <br />�o the ICMA Re�irement Corpora�ion. <br />Mr. Honchell is requssting that $�,OOQ be defex-red from his current annual salary. <br />Action Requested: Motion adopting a resalutxon Y,vhich authoxizes the Mayor and <br />City Manager to execute the Master Trust Agreemen-� wzth the <br />ICMA Retirement Corporation and ta also execute the Deferred <br />Compensa�ion Employment Agreement w�th �haxles Honchell. <br />� <br />