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1�IIl�iAf�50TA POLLU.��dN CANZ'ROL AGEB3CY <br />Div�sion of Water Qv.ality <br />�N�'ORMAT��N RELATIVE TO <br />RE�TTEW OF PLANS AND PII��T APPLiCATI0N5 <br />October 1972 <br />The reviaw of p]_an.s and specifi.cations for sewage, ind.ustrial waste ar <br />other was�te clisposal s�rstems and a�pla.cations for permits for the same is <br /> in with the authority conferred by law (see MS 1971, Section <br />11�.Q7). Approval of plans and permS.ts is base�. upon the assumption that <br />the informa,tion provided by the a�plicant is cox`rect a�d that all necessar� <br />legal requiremen-�s have been or wi�.3. be sati.sfied. <br />P1ans for sewage, industrial �raste or other =.raste disposal systems are <br />P.�[�,*mneCi. regard to the desi�n fea,tures which a�ply to operation and <br />ma.ix�tenance of the treatment works or s�wer s�rstem, the de�ree of treatment <br />to be provided, the ef�ectiven.e,ss and reliabi]ity of ihe syst� or methods <br />emplr�yed, az�d comp].iance with appl.icable standards of quality and pus°ity for <br />waters of the s�ate or effluents o� d�.sposal syste�s. The bul�etins enti- <br />tled Recommended Standards for S�r e Warks, 1971, rev�,sed. edition, Tenta- <br />tive Stan,da�ds for Desi n of Sma.11 Sewa e Works, J'u3.�r 1962 and Federal Guiae- <br />lines for Desi 0 eration and Maintenatzce of Waste Wa.ter Treatment Facili- <br />ties, Septemb�r 19'j�, and supple,men�s thereto, as well. as other rueuboranda, <br />are used. �s a in axact�nation of the design, operation and maintenance <br />aspects of the proposed syst�m, <br />S�rer plans are recommended for approva.�, on �he basis that the system <br />is to colleet ox�y �omestic sewage and such indt�strial or other waste as <br />may have besn prova.ded for in the design. Four�dation or footing drains to <br />co7lec-� gratand water and roof drains or other st�rf�,ce w�.ter conduits sh.ould <br />not be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Adequa,te fa.eld superv�ision <br />and S.nspect�.on by a qualified representgtive of �he awner should be px�ov'i.ded <br />at a17. times during construction to assure that the pro jec� i� construc�ted <br />in compli.ance with the approved plans and specifications. <br />The Agency asst�mes x�.o resporasibility for the 3.n�egx�itv of structures or <br />pl�sical features, or for the re].iaba.lity, dtirabili�� or ef�iciency of spe-- <br />cif'ic items of propra.ety equigment or material. A�l appl�.cable federal, <br />state and local 1aws, regulations or ordina,nces �nust be followec� in the <br />design, location and construction of proposed sewer syste� or treatment works. <br />The Aggncy reserves the righ-t to vrithdraw its approv'a1 of plans if con- <br />struction is not undertaken wx.thin a �-easona.ble period �ter issuance of <br />the per�t. <br />MPCA 595 <br />