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-2- <br />3. No �ajor alterations or additions to the disposal systems shall be <br />made without the written consent of the Agency. <br />4. The use of the �isposal system shall be limited to the treatment <br />and/or disposa� of the sewage, industrial waste or other waste <br />materials or substances described in the plans and/or permit app�i- <br />cation and assaciated material fi�ed with the Agency. <br />5. The Agency may modify, suspend, or revoke in whole or in part <br />this permit after giving noiice and praviding an opportunity <br />for a publiC hearing or by taking dz�ect enforcement action <br />for cause, including failure: (a) to comply with the terms <br />stated herein, or {b) to comply with Agency water quality <br />regulations or siandards presently in force. Nothing herein <br />sha11 prohibit the Agency £rom exercising its emergency powers. <br />6. The permittee acknowledges that nothing contained herein shall <br />prevent th� �uture adoption by the Agency or its predecessors <br />af any pollution control regulatians, standards, arders or <br />statutes more stringent than those now in existenc� or prevent <br />the enfoxcement and application of such regulations, standards, <br />orders or statutes to the permittee. <br />7. The Agency, its of�icers, employees and agents review and <br />camment upon engineering reports and construciion plans and <br />specifications�regarding this per�nit solely for the limited <br />purpose of deterinining whether s�ch report, pZans and specifica- <br />tions wi11 enable the facilities subject thereto to reasonably <br />comply with the regulations and crit�ria of the Agency. <br />8. This p�rmit has not been reviewed by the U. S. Enviranmental <br />P�otec�ipn Ageney and is not issued pursuant to Section 402 <br />af the Federal Water Po�lutio� Contro� Act Amendments of 1972. <br />9. The pians for the project have been approved with the <br />�eservatzons stated on the attached sheet entitled "Information <br />Relative to Review of Plans and Permit Applications." <br />� .--.. <br />°'' ,r � <br />�"'.r�-�.� � � �•� �...,Qv-��4"+•� <br />PERRY T, tBEATON, Chlef <br />Facilities Section <br />Division of Water Quality <br />Pexznit No. 8429 <br />Dated: Mat 28, 1974 <br />