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T0: City Council <br />FRQM: Midwest P�anning & Research <br />S�BJ�CT: Rosedale Expans�on Plans <br />7he property on v�hich ihe Dayion-Nudson Shopp�ng Center is eonstructed <br />is zoned Shopping Center Dis�ricts. One ot the provis�ons i� this <br />zaning district is that development plan must be prepared and filed <br />with th� City for review by the City Councii and approval thereof <br />prior �o issuance of building permits. Specific wordi�g state� <br />"Plans shall include propasals for adequate handiing of parking, <br />drainage, vehicu�ar and pedestr�an �raffic, and screening,so as ta <br />allow the inspec�ion superintendent, the Pub�ic kiorks Director and <br />the Cvunczl �o d���rm�ne the adequacy of such provis�ons. If no <br />variances to �he other district require�ents are involved, th� <br />Cvuncil retains the descretian to review and apprave the develop- <br />men� plan as s�bmitted, or with modifications thereto." In this <br />case, fihe applicants plans meet or exceed �he requirements af the <br />dzsirict in terms of set backs, parking raiios, and h�igh� and area <br />requirements. <br />You know, the design o� the original peripheral road system and aecess <br />to contiguous thoroughfares and high�rays was based uQan the ultimate <br />development of a ceRter of approximateiy a million square feet. <br />Initial deve�opment constructed„by the Rayion-Hudson Company in I974 <br />consisted af approximately 6�OFsquare feet anchored by ihe Daytans <br />Department Siore and the Donalasons Siore. The long range plans <br />inciude the �eve�opment of two additzonal anchor department stores, <br />one of whieh is proposed at this time in the form of a Penney's <br />Departmen� Store. Specific proposa1s incl�des the construetion of <br />the 173,000 square feet Penneys Store and a tenaant bui�ding �rz�h - <br />58,000 squar� fe�t which is anticipated housing 25 additional stores <br />and an extension of the interior mall system. <br />Members of�you City 5taff and your P�ann7ng Consultants�.have revi�wed <br />the plans �xtensively over the past few weeks in consultation wi�h ���bers <br />af ihe Dayton-Nudson's Development Staff and �heir cons�l�tan�s� A general <br />comment can be made ihat the degree of caoperation �xhibited by the <br />applicant and his representatives has been eXtremely high, and the <br />r�sultant deve�opment gram as submitted is af excellent qua�ity, <br />consi�ient with �he standards achieved in t�e initial develop�ent <br />proposal. <br />Proposed deveiopment is to the north uf the existant tennant bui3ding <br />with the easterly side af the expansion to orieni to ihe lawer leve� <br />of the parking, and the westerly side to orient with �he upper levei. <br />The building will be appraximately 230 feet from the right of way, and <br />thu5 far greater than the minimum 100 foat set back required by the <br />ordinance. A T gA �vill be attached to the Penneys Department STore <br />structure oriented to the lower leve7. This placement 4vas highly <br />indorsed by your staff as �he most inconspicuaus manner af handling <br />a TBA area. The Daytan-Hudson peopie had cooperated by s�a'f:.�qg to <br />our request that the TBA not be placed in a separate structure the <br />