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page 2........Rosedale Expansion Plans <br />northwest nearer Eounty Raad B-2, nor on the upper level to the <br />west of the locat�on. Careful consideration was given the grading <br />which puts inta the effect ihe two �evel parking arrangement so <br />impartant to the d�v�lopment of this ex�ension of the shopping <br />center. Resulting circulatian, service, and parking plan �s <br />consistent with the best principles of pla�ning for regional <br />centers. <br />C�nsiderab1e care ioo �ias taken in the handling of the grading <br />in the set-back area of the center and the pub1�c ri�ht-of-way, <br />��e.principally to the multi-level.natur_e of �he parking arrangement <br />the grades in this set-bacK area have to be very carefully handled <br />due to the resultant 5wift changes in elevatian that must be <br />accomadated, so as to avoid the prob�ems o� erosion and maintenance <br />of ihis ar�a, the Dayton-Hudsan people have praposed ihe iandscaping <br />of this peripheral area °required to be 15 feet in �iidth by ordinance" <br />with a mat of boulders placed in rip-rap fashion to t�e north and west <br />of the proposed parking expansian areas. 7his desi�n is detailed in <br />the plans prepared by G. M. Addis, which are submitted as a part of <br />this application. We have carefully reviewed the praposed landscap�ng <br />which will accur within the bouldered area and suggest that the species <br />and guantities proposed, will in �ffect create a v�ry desirable <br />esthet�c impact on �he area consistent with the previous landscap�ng <br />program in the vicinity of the center. <br />The Dayton-Hudson Company has a1so agreed to the develapment of a <br />per�pherai bzcyc3e trai7 contiguous to the righ�-of-way from the <br />Fairvie�� Avenue en�rance to the e�trance ta the nort�east aff of <br />County Road B-2 Snelling Avenue interchange. The applicant agrees <br />to the dedicat�on to a minimum of three feet of-add7�ona1 right-of- <br />way easement goes to provide tor a minimum bicycle pat� �rith an <br />8 feet in th�s peripheral area. Lacation of �he pathway is s�own <br />on the landscaping plans submitted by the Addis Company. I understand <br />that the applicant is w�lling �o pay far th� develapment of ��is bicycIe <br />path, but prefers construction cos� to be app�ied as an assessment tfl <br />the �roperty. 7his point should be disc�ssed fur�her w7th t�e appiicant <br />to ascertain conditions under whic� this is to be acco�pl�shed. <br />Your Public Works Director has expressed cancern about the condi�ion for <br />vehicular traffic a� the entrance northeast of the Center flf� of Snelling <br />Avenue entrance ramp. Applicant has hired Barton Aschman Associates ta <br />study ��e d�sign of this intersection with t�e inten� af arriving at <br />muivalIy accep�able impro�eme�ts as reiated to the applicant and the <br />City. Your P�blic 4Jorks Director wiil be carr�men�ing upon �his at the <br />meeiing. It would seem appropr�ate to consider final solutions to this <br />questian separate from the cansideration of the expansion as currently <br />proposed. <br />
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