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REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTl4N <br />AGENDA SECTION : ORIGINATING DEP7. /DIV. : <br />F�e orts ar�d Recommendations Rubl i c l�lor[cs Di rector <br />�- `A NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTION' <br />�"-- ,� �mendment to Arden f-!i 11 s:later Agreement <br />oATE: Sept. 9, 1974 <br />DEPT.HEAD APPROVAL. <br />� �=.�% <br />MGR. REVIEWED/RECOMMENpS; <br />p��,c_ <br />Last June the C�ty succeeded in renegotiatir�c� a n�w vaater contract betw�en the <br />Cit�+ of St. �'au] and the C�iy af Rosev�ile. As part af that averail aqreement <br />various time extensions were made to the contract and rates ref�egotiated. ihis <br />has res ul ted i n tf�e neecf to amend our exi s�i ng agreer�ent t�i th the Ci �v of Arden <br />�il � I5 far suppl yi ng ti•rater s�rvi ces io tf�em i r� accordance �ri tn the St. €'aul <br />+�ater contract. A draft copv of suc+T amendn�ent ��ras sent ta tEie �i ty of 11rc�en <br />Cti ��E 5 ana after r�i nor amencir���nts i t�aas ap�roved by thei r Counci 1 and si qned. <br />T1�is s17gn�ly r�vised version ►•ras tl�en subniited to our attorneys for review <br />an� they have found it acceptab�e. <br />Tizere ar� .no substantive cf�anges from the aI readv exi sting ac�reement vri t� <br />Arden fiills and this would basical]y serve ta u�date the ac�reement to brinq <br />�t ii�to iine with the �t. Paul contract. Recor�nended Council action: <br />Ap�rove ar�ended agreement ti�ai th Ci ty of l�rden FIi 17 s for �h� suppl v af tiva��r <br />servi ces and authori ze ti�� ijlayour and '1�r�ag�r of �?osevi I 7� to s i gn for and on <br />behalf of the �ity of Roseviil�. <br />