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R�C�I��ST FC�R Ca�D�iCI�. ��T���f <br />AGENpA SECTION : <br />Reports and Recommendations <br />M NO.. l7EM DESCRfPTIQN' <br />,i,.:... ���� `� Election and City Hall, IIonds <br />,�, <br />NATI[VG DEPT./DIV.: <br />Administration <br />oATE:Sept. 16, I97•. <br />DEPT.HEAp QPpROVAL, <br />/ftECOMMENDS: <br />For the past several weeks Ellerhe Architects have been developing a prelirnina.xY <br />plan. £or a new City hall. The Cauncil, staff, and employees have been rev�ewing <br />�hese pians throughou� the entire prelimanary �lan pxocess. I� is now believed <br />tha� the architect has developed an acceptable plan which can be stzbmitted �o the <br />voters for their consideration. <br />The CounciZ has pze�zously discussed that the total cost of the new Czty Hall <br />lvould nat exceed $�,IQ0,000. It was firrther discuss�d that the amount of the <br />bond issue submitted to �he voters would. no� exceed �850,000. The remaining <br />$25�,aoo would be provid.ed from the f edexal general revenue sharing funds <br />{$�25,000) and Public Works Resexve {$125,000). <br />The architect wi13� review the preliminary plan for tlte new City hall. <br />The $ond Attarney has prepared the necessary reso�utions an election <br />on $850,000 in capital improvement bonds to be held on November 5, ].974. The <br />fo�.lowing ques�ion shall be submztted to the vo�ers: <br />"Shall the Ci�y of Roseville, Nlinneso�a, issue i'�s negotia�le <br />coupon genexai obligation capital impravement bonds in an <br />aggregate principai amount not to exceed $850,000 to <br />funds fox the acquisition and be�texment of a new City Hall?" <br />Action Requested: Motion approvzng a resolutzon calling far an election on <br />$85Q,000 on Capital Improvement $onds to be held Novemhex 5, 1974. <br />