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AGENbA SECTION: <br />Re <br />IT��+A �o.: <br />i� � �/ <br />F��C��]�ST F0� .C�U�f �1L A�Tl��U OQTE; . Septembex 15 - <br />I974 <br />s anc� Recommendations <br />ITEM �ESCREPiION: <br />OftIGINATIIVG �EPT./DEV.: <br />Ac�mznistrata.on <br />OfficE Space Lease with tiVillmus <br />erti es <br />DEPT.HEAD APPRQVAL. <br />RECOMSMENpS: <br />The staf� has tenta�zuely reached agxeement on the terms of a 3 year lease with <br />Willmus Properties for 7502 square feet of oftice sgace located at 2575 North <br />Faixview Avenue. Attached is a iist of the significant provisions of the lease. <br />At the preseni tame, there is not an excess af office space available �aithi.n the <br />$4.00 ta $5.Q0 per square foot range and iaithin the square footage xequirements <br />of the City. In order to insure that such space wauld be avai].able, in the <br />event the bond refex-endum should fail, a lease arxangement is praposed at <br />this time. If the bond referendum is approved by the vot�rs, the lease would <br />be cancel2ed by giving notice no �ater than November 21, 1974, and the payment <br />of $1,500.00. <br />The lease a.s ef£ective irnmedia�eJ.y, hawever xental payments wauld be due and <br />payable only for the period January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1977. <br />The leasad office space would be accupied by the Departments of Admznistration, <br />Publzc Works, Recxeation ancl Finance. The Departments of Police, Court and Fire <br />would xemain in the existing facility. <br />The maximum cast of �he thxee year lease, excludi�g utzlity charges, are as <br />follaws: <br />Basic Rental � 9�,075.Z0 <br />Maximum Building Insurance 1,125.30 <br />Maximum Qutside Maintenance 2,250.60 <br />�stzmated taxes and Sp. Asses. 2,400.00 <br />Office set-up expense <br />Less $3,500 allow 2b,5d0.00 <br />'Fotal three year cost �126,351.1Q <br />The o�fice set-iip expense �ncludes parti.tionzng, eiectrical servzce, winaow <br />coverings, telephone and maving expense. The total amount ot such set-up <br />expenses is estimated to be �30,000. Hotiaever, the lease agreement provides for <br />a$3,500 allowance �rom the lessor to be used �or such expenses. <br />Action Requested: Motion approving resolutian authorizing the Mayor and Manager <br />to exacute a three year �ease for the rental of office spa.ce wiih Willmus Prr�pexties. <br />