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REQIlES� �OR C��9�CiL A�T�O� DA7E: S-�O-%� <br />AGENDA SECTIpN: ORIGINATIi�kG DEPT./DIV.; DEPT. H APPROVAL. <br />Hearings Admin�.stration <br />1TEM Nb. : liEM DESCRIPTIOIV: SaIIIl1BI CaVe' S request �or iina.I pla� cl� MGR. REVIEWE�/RECOMMENDS: <br />�� r�.. 350 Q�aasso Blvd. G� <br />The Council at its mee�ing of September 16, continued Nfr, Cave's final pla� request <br />because �he hard shells had xzot been received. <br />The hard shells have sti11 not been receivec�. However, if they are delivered prior <br />to Monday`s meeting, l�ir. Kraraer will xevzew them and provide you with a verbal <br /> ion. <br />Counca.I ActzQn. Requested: Motion (approving) (denying} Samuel Cave's final <br />plat "Tsch�.da Owasso HilZs #3" at 35d South �wasso <br />Baulevard. <br />