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ar_,I_;.:�a �_c��otv: <br />R��U��T Ft�R ���l�C��. A�Tl��l dAT�: �-30-��. <br />dRIGINATING DEPT./�IV.: <br />Repor�s � Reco��ar►endatians A�inistration <br />.'" �°. �' E��' �`���`pT��� Pla.nning Coiranission P.ecommendation regarding <br />�� % Agrica�ltural uses xn R-1 zon.e <br />DEP7. <br />MGR. REVIEtiVED/R�COMMEN[3S: <br />��_ <br />The Coun.cil at its mee�ing of 5eptember 16, con�inued �onsidera�ion of the <br />Co�nission recomtnen.dation regarding Agricultural tJses in R-1 zone to the September 3Q, <br />meeting. <br />A� its September �'�, meeting the Planning Corrunission reco�ended adoption of thc <br />followin.g use as a special use in �he �t-1 zonzng district. <br />Agricultural Uses, excepting conur?ercial animal faxm, fur farm, kennels, <br />poul�ry farms, ar�d feed lots, but including truck gardening, growing of <br />nursexy stock, arboretums, and other horticultura� uses. �Iny new buildings <br />anciliary to agrieul�ural uses shall not exceed 500 sc{uaxe £eet in area, <br />nor be ].ess than 5a £�et £rom the property J.ine. 1�TO retail sales or s�xuc�u�es <br />for such purpase shall be allowEd as an agxicultu�^al use. Thekeeping of farm <br />animals shall not be perrnitted excep� as allowed in Sections 146.010 az�d <br />201.060 af the Roseville City Cod.e. <br />If the Cou�c�I decides ta incorporate this change into the zoning ordinance, �he <br />fallowang mo�ion 15 suggested: <br />Mo�ian instructing the City Attorney ta prepare an amendment to <br />the zaning ordinance incoxporating agricultur� uses as a special <br />use in the R-� zanin.g dis-�rict as recoraunended by the Planning <br />Comrnission. <br />