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EXTRACT OF M�NUTES OF TII� CITY COUI`TCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESpTA - I�I,D <br />September 30, Z974 <br />� � � � � x :� ., x � � � :� n �: �; � � x � x :� � � � � - <br />Pursuant to due call and nota.ce ihereof a regular meeting <br />of the City Council a£ the Ciiy a£ Raseville, Rafnsey County, Minnesota, <br />was held in the City Hal� at 270I North Lexington Avenue, Roseville, <br />Mizuiesota, rlonday, September 3Q, �974, at 7:30 P.��I. <br />The fo�lowzng members were preseni: <br />and the were absent: <br />Member intxoduced the foilowing resolutian and <br />moved �ts adopta.on: <br />RESOLUTTON N0. <br />RESOLUTIO�f DIREGTING 'I'HE COUN'I'Y AL1��TOR T4 REDUCE THE <br />ESTABLISHED TAX LEVY FOR GOLF COURSE BONDS, WATER <br />IMPROVII�+�'r,NT BOND5, SAN7TARY SEi�VER INIPROVIl��NT BO�IUS, <br />A.�iD G'EN�RAL II��IPR�VII�IE�i`I' BOVDS, AND ICE ARENA. BOND � PARIC BQNDS <br />WI-IFR�1S, there is a surpltzs of �24,OOQ in the Go1f Couxse <br />Debt R�tirement Fund resulting in the iransfer of $24,000 �rom <br />rerrenues received from the Golf Course Operations; <br />1�REA.S, -�here is a suxpl�s o£ �115,000 in the Water Debt <br />Retirement Fund xesu.lting �ram greater special assessments received <br />than anticipated and in the �ransfer of xevenues xeceived from the <br />tiYater Operating Fund; <br />i�1�REAS, there is a surplus af $62,000 in the Sanitaxy Sewer <br />Debt Retire�nen� �und resulting from greater special assessrrtents <br />received than anticipated and in the transfex of revenues received <br />from �he 5anitary Sewer �perating Fund; <br />WE�REAS, there is a surplus of �1,Ob� xn the Ice Arena Debt <br />Retirement Fund resulting from the �ransfer of $1,063 from revenues <br />received fram the Ice Arena �per�tions; <br />Wf�REAS, thexe is a surplus o£ $Ib5,000 in General Improvernent <br />Debt Re�zretnent Fund resulting from greater special assessments recezved <br />than antzcipated, and balances from completed consiruction f�.uids; <br />