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-z- <br />j�f-IEREIlS, therE is a surplus of $1,p25 in the Park Debt <br />Retirement Funcl resulfing from przor years� ].evies; <br />NO�V, THEREFORE, BE I'� RESOLVED BY THE CTTY CGYTNCIL 0� THE <br />CITY OF ROSEVTLI,E, 1�1INNESO'�'A, THAT: <br />1. The Ramsey County Auditor be directed to xeduce the <br />1974 tax levy £or Golf Course 13onds - 1967 by $24,000 <br />from $24,000 to -0-. <br />Z. The Ramsey County Auditor be clirected �o xeduce th� 1974 <br />tax levy �or �+Jater Improvemer3.t Bonds, Serxes �- 1963 by <br />$�.�.0,000 fram $110,d00 'ta -0-. <br />3. The Ramsey County AuditQx be c�irectea to redu�e �.he I974 <br />ia�c ].evy for ��Tater Tmprovement Boncls - Series 4, 1963 by <br />$5,000 £rom $20,900 to $15,90Q. <br />4. T'he Ramsey County Aud.itor be directed to red.uce the �974 <br />tax levy for Sanitary Sewer Tmprovement Bone�s - 5eries � <br />by $62,OOQ from $75,OOa to $13,Q00. <br />5. The Ramsey County Audi.tor be directed tio reduce the 1974 <br />tax levy for General Obligatian Ice.Arena Revenue Bonds, <br />1968 by $1,063 fxom $43,800 tv $42,737. <br />6. The Ramsey County Auditax be directed to red.uce the 1974 <br />tax levy for General Improvement Bonds - Series 2, 1965 <br />hy $77,000 from $77,000 to -Q-. <br />7. The Ramsey County Audi�ox be directed to reduce the ].974 <br />tax Ievy for Genex-al Improrrernen� Bonds - Series �} - 1968 <br />by $88,000 irom $119,OOD to �31,OQ0. <br />8. The Ramsey County Audi.tor be directed to red.uce the 197A� <br />tax levy for Park Bonc�s of 1962 by $1,025 from $48,800 �v <br />$47,775. <br />The motion ior the adoptian of the foregaing resolution was <br />duly secanded by Member and upon a vo�e be�.ng taken <br />therean the fal�owing voted in favor: <br />and. the £ol.lowing voted against saine: <br />WE-IEREUPON, said resolutior� tiJas declared. duly passed and adopted. <br />